1008 results found
Email, Message or SMS failure alert/pop up
Notify users when any emails, messages or SMS fail rather than having to go and check a list. Perhaps an alert at the top of the page which then produces a list of what needs to be checked. The impact of missing this information is huge, particularly with compliance.
305 votesUpdate: Additional fields have been added to the ‘Status’ drop-down under Communications History to give you more details on email delivery status, this is available to you now. We are continuing to investigate other areas to better notify you of any sending failures.
Pets displayed
On the tenant card, it would be great if there was a pet icon if pets were approved as a quick reference
225 votes -
New Column on Tenancy Ledger to show Number of Days and Amount of Arrears
Rather than having to go through a tenant's ledger with them, it would be handy for tenants to have the number of days and amount of arrears displayed on the tenancy ledger, also perfect for property managers processing tenancy applications with ledgers from other agents using Property Tree. No need to go through every transaction in the ledgers if these are displayed, makes life easier.
222 votesHi Supporters, thanks so much for all your responses! We are getting close to having this ready for our development team. I'm hoping for a little bit more feedback if you have any on the following -
1. An option when you generate the ledger for "Showing Transactions Only" (so cutting out the other items such as when invoices are entered). However, this would show credits as well. Although credits are not transactions these affect amounts due by the tenant. This would keep all of the current tenancy ledger columns.
2. Also an option to Show Rent Arrears Details (so a running total for arrears and the days in arrears). When this option is selected and generated we would replace other ledger columns to then display the additional rent arrears details. Inserting more columns into the current tenancy ledger has been a challenge with the amount of information currently there.…
Out of office reply for portal and comms platform messages
Would be helpful to have an out of office option for messages that are received out of hours. Especially when a tenant is requesting maintenance. We could then include emergency contact details to the email etc
210 votesWe're pleased to advise that Auto Reply for Comms Platform is now in development. We'll let you know once this has been released.
Have commercial invoices attached as PDF, not a link
With automated invoice processing becoming more common, we have an increasing amount of commercial tenants requesting invoices be attached to an email as a PDF as well as a link in the email itself?
208 votesWe're currently looking into replacing the links in emails sent from Property Tree with PDF attachments (across the product - statements, invoices, receipts, work orders etc). We'll let you know once this goes into Development.
Statements and Invoices on one pdf
Current statements do not include invoices, rather they are a separate document. Landlords have suggested to us that they would like to see their statements include invoices from creditors shown in the same pdf document as their month end statement.
207 votes -
Work Order Auto Reminder to Trade
Trades to receive automatic reminders following up outstanding work orders in the system. It would be great if this was setup and sent to the trade first thing in the morning on a weekly basis until work has been completed and job has been closed off.
204 votes -
To be able to put photos of the property in property tree
So that we are able to look at the property photos to remind us what they look like - good for when we do rental increases
178 votesWe're pleased to advise that this is currently in Development alongside being able to advertise your properties online. We'll let you know once it's been released!
Invoice for Residential Rent
We need to be able to invoice for residential rent, like commercial. We have a lot of businesses that pay rent for their employees and this is a very manual process
157 votesWe're pleased to advise that as part of the Tenancy Statement work to show outstanding invoices, we have included the ability to produce a statement for rent due to a chosen date. This can be produced for rent only, rent and invoices, or invoices only.
Ability to add an email signature not just a banner image
All email signatures currently are banners. This is very limited to having the entire content of an email signature within an image banner.
We need free text to create our own.
131 votes -
Send log for maintenance
Please create a log with dates, times and recipients for maintenance jobs.
At the moment the only info that is provided is the date the job was created. Nothing to show if/when it was sent and if you resend the job as a reminder and confirmation it was received. We also do not get notified if the email fails to send to the intended recipient.
Thanks for your consideration and any upvotes received! - Jamie
127 votes -
Compliance Register for Contractor Insurance
Used the same as owners managements, smoke alarms and owners insurances this will give us a place to easily record and follow up outdated contractors. Having the ability to also send out reminders and requests for updates would be the biggest time saver.
125 votesHi Supporters! we've been digging deeper on this topic and after a bit more feedback if you have any -
1. We can introduce a compliance tab to the Creditor and you'd be able to track any items you wish (you could configure your own categories as you do with properties). Would you prefer to see a separate Creditor Compliance Register for reporting, or keep this information in the current Compliance Register with the ability to filter between Property Compliance and Creditor Compliance?
2. When a Creditor Compliance item has expired, what behaviour would you like to see? I warning when you enter a creditor against a maintenance job? and/or when a maintenance email is sent?
Any other notifications or areas that should be considered when we look to implement creditor compliance?
Automated Email or Text to Renters once trade has been assigned to a job
When sending a work order to a trade an automated email is generated to the renters advising them their request has been assigned and list the trade who will be in contact with them.
124 votes -
Water Usage Meter Readings
Ability to have water meter readings automatically updated on the property profile when processing water usage tenancy invoices through Invoice Genius.
Invoice Genius can process water usage from eBills with the tenancy invoice description reflecting the meter readings. However, this does not currently feed through and update on the water usage section of the property profile. This should be automated where the meter readings are updated on the property profile once the water usage is invoiced.
115 votes -
create owner invoice for payment
Ii would like to be able to create an invoice for the owners to pay for things like advertising or other charges that they may wish to pay direct rather than from the rent. Similar to a tenant invoice or commercial rent invoice but for the owner.
108 votes -
Have a periodic lease button to remove from expired lease page
Once a lease has expired and rolled into a periodic lease we don't want the tenant to appear on the expired leases. We want to mark the tenancy lease as periodic and keep the lease end date entered as a record that there was a fixed term lease previously.
102 votes -
When entering notes and pinning to profile pop up rather than just be pinned (so all staff are aware)
When entering notes and pinning to profile / receipts etc. a pop up appears rather than just being pinned (so all staff are aware and have to click out of the note before proceeding)
98 votes -
Allow Automated communications trigger off vacate date & add merge fields
Add Automated Communications Trigger for X Days to Vacate Date.
The current system allows you to send automated communications X days from the lease end date. However if a vacate date is entered for the tenant this blocks the communications from going out. We would like to send reminders to tenants that their lease end date is x days away as well as advise them of the rent owed to vacate. As such, we request to have the option to send automated communications based on vacate date or for the vacate date to not prevent communications triggered by the lease…97 votes -
Pinned notes for invoice genius
I have a note pinned to a property not to enter any creditor invoices, but when I process through invoice genius that pinned note doesn't appear anywhere. I think it would be great to have this link, we almost lost an owner due to an invoice being processed from her rent
92 votes -
days in arrears on renter card (when you hover over arrears)
View when you hover over arrears that it also tells you days in arrears.
Much easier way to view this than manually work it out87 votes
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