When entering notes and pinning to profile pop up rather than just be pinned (so all staff are aware)
When entering notes and pinning to profile / receipts etc. a pop up appears rather than just being pinned (so all staff are aware and have to click out of the note before proceeding)

Taylor Welsh commented
We use notes for a number of things that aren't super important but to have two separate options so we can opt for it to pop up would be nice.
Rochelle Rawiri commented
Yes Please!! We need this, with a large portfolio this would make life easier EVERY SINGLE DAY!!
Raeleen Starr commented
Would be great to have notes pop up in the tenant, property or owner file rather then just being pinned to the top of the page.
Shelley Quinn commented
This would be a helpful addition to assist with effective management.
Samantha Dinh commented
Hi team! this is a great idea and will pop up every time we go into any profiles so anything important won't be missed.
Carolyn Jacobs commented
I have not worked with a database before where there is not this type of functionality - is it already built into Property Tree?
Carolyn Jacobs commented
It would be very useful to have a pop-up message functionality separate to notes to alert us to specifics about the tenant or owner e.g. Dog at property, Tenant is nightshift worker do not call between 8am - 2pm, Owner lives interstate/overseas. Is this possible or already there and I don't know about it?