989 results found
More information on rent calculator
Rent Calculator is useless, it does not allow to calculate the rent or tells what is the paid to date. Eg. Please refer to PropertyMe Rent Calculator, it does have much more features on the rent calculator than PropertyTree.
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Email window is too small when replying and forwarding within the Communication Platform
I think the window for the email is very small and if you are writing a long email, you can't see the whole thing - why is it limited to a third of screen?
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Ability to print a bank reconcilation for the whole financial year instead of monthly.
Provide ability to print the whole financial year in one document, instead of monthly. Also a help for accountancy & auditors.
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For repairs, a search for summary title
For repairs, a search for summary title
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Remove the "Manage your inspections here." hard coded message from routine inspection emails
Remove the "Manage your inspections here." hard-coded message from routine inspection emails so Tenants can't make changes to the set inspection time unless they contact the office.
1 voteWe're pleased to advise that this has now been removed from the automated communication emails for Inspections.
BPay Option for Sales Conveyancers
We have a Conveyancer who you can only send funds to prior to Settlement via BPAY. On the financial details screen you can only select Cheque or EFT as a payment method. Property Tree support told me to select cheque option and create payment in the sales trust. Our auditors will not be overly happy with this - please include BPAY as a payment option.
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An area where you can see your past support enquiries.
Hi, We moved across from VaultRE, and are missing the area that we could go in to view our past support tickets. Sometimes the emails with the transcripts of the chat come through, and not other times. I think that it would help reduce the amount of reoccurring chats for your team and give us something to revert back to to save getting in touch. We found it really handy, as our team could discuss if anyone else has had the same question, we could just refer back to our historic tickets. We would love it if you would consider…
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Maintenance/Quote Cancellations
In Maintenance under quotes requested, it would be good if you could delete or cancel a quote request if creditor advises that they don't do specific request. Or at least be able to tick a box cancelled and see it in the request area.
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Export report showing routine inspection frequency ie W13, W26 etc
Be able to export report showing routine inspection frequency ie W13, W26 etc
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Generate Trust Reports in Bulk
I hope you can allow users to generate/download trust & reports in bulk as it is so hard especially when downloading Creditor Payment Batch List one by one as there are so many, because it is required in our office to save the reports locally as PDFs.
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Bond & Deposits - be able to add PDF to Bond held
Be able to add a PDF of the bond Document from Rental Bonds Online to the Bond & Deposits section of a tenancy. Further, when adding to this, it should also add as a copy to the Documents section. This would be a much more thorough way to ensure we hold the right documents.
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Communications Platform - restrict access to specific inboxes for specific users
Need a way to restrict a user from being able to see/access the “All Inboxes” option in Communications. I know how to make this visible or non visible for a user but not if we can stop someone from being able to access altogether.
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Show which contacts want to receive Communications
Can you please have a tick box on the profile pages for owners and tenants to show at a quick glance that all tenants or all owners wish to be contacted for all communications. Not all communications are done through property tree so this would be very helpful.
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Automatic property fees for budgeted Outgoings invoices
Charge the property fee automatically for budgeted Outgoings invoices that are not scheduled and are GST exclusive. Currently you have to do it manually as the GST is linked to the rental GST. If you raise a budgeted Outgoings invoice and the fees are set up to for budgeted outgoings receipted, then the property fee should be automatic charged when raising an invoice.
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Show when Bond was added or updated
It would be great if the audit report showed when a bond was added or updated. thanks
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Bulk upload for creditor details
Being able to upload creditor details via csv file, so bulk upload is possible.
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tenant funds
Ability to allocate held funds from the Tenancy Funds Summary page to more than one tenancy at a time. Either the option to return to the tenancy funds summary page or tick boxes so you can select all tenants you wish to allocate held funds in one go. At the moment you have to keep going back and reloading the summary page. Would be great for those who hold funds for holiday accommodation.
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Reopen Cancelled Inspections
Can we reopen/edit cancelled inspections as to re-use instead of creating a new entry?
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Ability to Edit Tenancy Invoices to Cater for Visually Impaired
The ability to change the format of Tenancy Invoices would be handy, especially for Tenants that are visually impaired. For example, increase font size or add in colours to highlight important information on the Tenancy Invoices. Also, have the option to add additional payment options not just Trust Account Information.
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Adding Property Information from the existing property list
We are a SDA provider, most of the time there are at least two tenants (2 sperate tenancy agreements) in one property. When we are adding a new property, it should allow us to select 'existing property info' so it save us tons of time to enter the detail again and again.
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