4 results found
To be able to put photos of the property in property tree
So that we are able to look at the property photos to remind us what they look like - good for when we do rental increases
178 votesWe're pleased to advise that this is currently in Development alongside being able to advertise your properties online. We'll let you know once it's been released!
Tenant Statement showing Rent & Invoices
Option to send a TENANT a statement showing outstanding rent and invoices.
Currently PT only generates an Invoice .. at the bottom of the Invoice it reads
Tenancy - Statement of Outstanding Items .. with a total outstanding $$$$.
This does not include any outstanding rent which is misleading.There should be an option to include RENT. This would save time and provide consistency in the way information (request for funds) is sent to the tenant.
9 votesWe're pleased to advise this is currently in development. We'll let you know once it has been released.
Invoice for Residential Rent
We need to be able to invoice for residential rent, like commercial. We have a lot of businesses that pay rent for their employees and this is a very manual process
159 votesWe're pleased to advise that as part of the Tenancy Statement work to show outstanding invoices, we have included the ability to produce a statement for rent due to a chosen date. This can be produced for rent only, rent and invoices, or invoices only.
Tenant Statement showing all invoices owing
Have an easy way to remind tenants of invoices that are due (prior to becoming overdue), for example have a statement of outstanding items that can be sent without having the need to enter a new invoice
35 votesWe're pleased to advise this is currently in development. We'll let you know once it has been released.
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