960 results found
Compliance tab on Creditor Profile
We would like to see a "Compliance" tab on the Creditor profile, so we can add the Insurance/Certificate of Currency documents. thank you
169 votes -
Pinned Note for Inspections & Maintenance Quotes/Jobs for safety issues ie dangerous dog
Be able to enter a permanent note on inspection reports ie Dangerous Dog @ Property. Also some form of automation for maintence so trades are aware. Especially helpful if staff do not usually attend the property. Even if it was a pinned note but instead of selecting the current options of PPty Note, Ppty receipt or Creditor/Tenancy it could be an inspection or maintenance pinned note.
53 votes -
Pets displayed
On the tenant card, it would be great if there was a pet icon if pets were approved as a quick reference
243 votes -
Approved Occupants
Need a total of approved occupants displayed in the tenancy card so its easy when you're doing routines or lease renewals to know who should be at the property
17 votes -
Attach multiple photos to maintenance at once
Ability to attach multiple photos to a maintenance request at once. The system currently makes you attach each file separately.
56 votes -
Owner Statement - I & E Graph / Payment History
We have once again received a query from an Owner regarding the : STATEMENT HISTORY EXPENSES VS INCOME (6 MONTHS) PAYMENT HISTORY (6 MONTHS) Table and Graph.
I would just like to reiterate my concerns with the wording/information on this report/table.
I understand and have verified that the information is based on the Ownership Ledger dates.
I believe, however, this is misleading for the Owner’s Statement, as this is not the information per “STATEMENT HISTORY”.
My suggestion is to either change the Title or perferable change the information to correspond with the Ownership Statement dates.
9 votes -
days in arrears on renter card (when you hover over arrears)
View when you hover over arrears that it also tells you days in arrears.
Much easier way to view this than manually work it out96 votes -
There should be BCC option when sending emails through communication
There should be BCC option when sending emails through communication. It is imperative as at times, "To" recipient will not review the others whereas necessary for internal reference and communication.
21 votes -
The ability to attach documents or relevant emails to notes created in Property Tree
Would be great to be able to attach a document EG an email, report or picture about an incident/arrears etc to a note created in the PT system that may be an on-going issue/have an ongoing story where chronological information contained in the 1 place is important
24 votes -
Status updates on Work Orders
Work orders should have "Status Updates" on work orders. Such as Quote Requested, Waiting on Approval, Work Order sent, Completed, Rejected, Hold, Owner Attending.
This will make it easier when following up on work orders where the job is currently at.75 votes -
Automated Email or Text to Renters once trade has been assigned to a job
When sending a work order to a trade an automated email is generated to the renters advising them their request has been assigned and list the trade who will be in contact with them.
128 votes -
Owner statement frequency
We would love the ability to choose the frequency of an owner statement dependent on our owner's requests. Eg. we have owners that only want 1 statement per month, but want a mid-month and end of month payment, so receive 2 statements, and other owners that are happy to receive 2 statements per month. This selection could be saved on the owner profile so when processing the owner payments, it would only need to be run once and Property Tree would know the owner preferences.
19 votes -
Improve Tasks
The tasks is great, I love it but it could be so much better!
I have seen a few suggestions and they are great but the below with some of those combined would make it perfect.
- Having a tile on the dashboard for tasks
- Be able to create general tasks that are not linked to a property for say but to a person/user
- Automated tasks related to lease renewals, inspections, maintenance, new tenants, vacating tenants, new property etc
- Maybe a task that can be created to attach with emails to follow up on
- With the automated tasks, would be great…
15 votes -
Communications messages should be able to be dropped and dragged into relevant areas in the system
Is this something you will be improving? it seems to be a system flaw and not practical at all that messages to your communications area cannot be posted/dropped into other areas of the system. For example a request for maintenance . I should be able to drag the message into the job request area. Or tenant queries etc into Notes for the tenant
21 votes -
Alternative methods for searching emails other than the subject line
Require additional search options for emails, allowing users to search using criteria such as sender, date, keywords, or attachments instead of relying only on the subject line.
15 votes -
Notification of emails and sms received in property tree
Receive a text message or email notifying us of a message received in property tree.
30 votes -
Forward Any Email Received
It would be great to be able to forward any email received in the communications tab not just the latest email as part of an email thread. This would enable you to forward previous correspondence that has attachments. Currently, any attachments previously received do not get forwarded as part of the email thread unless they are attached to the most recent email received.
8 votes -
Routine Scheduling based on Property not Tenancy
Have a way to set routine inspections by PROPERTY not TENANT - it just links the current tenancy automatically. This way we can set up auto-reschedule for every 26 weeks and not have to edit the routine dates when a new tenant is locked in.
7 votes -
Signing Request Reports to be available in a PDF option
Signing request Reports to be able to be generated in a PDF Format rather that a .docx Word Document
6 votes -
Change of ownership - Transfer documents and maintenance
when change of ownership is carried out, property documents and maintenance jobs need to transfer with it, the owner may change but the property issues and documents remain with the property always.
89 votes
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