1005 results found
Swimming pool icon
Would be great if you could add a swimming pool icon next to bed / bath / car on the property tab. Would help running reports on property features etc
8 votes -
For repairs, a search for summary title
For repairs, a search for summary title
1 vote -
lost management date
Have a separate lost management date.
we should be able to keep the authority end date as is and have a separate field for the lost management date1 vote -
Remove the "Manage your inspections here." hard coded message from routine inspection emails
Remove the "Manage your inspections here." hard-coded message from routine inspection emails so Tenants can't make changes to the set inspection time unless they contact the office.
1 voteWe're pleased to advise that this has now been removed from the automated communication emails for Inspections.
Owner and Tenant Portals - Post your feedback
Hi Supporters! We're wanting to refresh the Owner and Tenant Portals and invite you to comment below any feedback regarding this. What do you like or dislike about the current Portals? Is there additional information that you'd like to provide to your Owners and/or Tenants? All previous Portal suggestions have been noted for this project.
46 votes -
operator who processed creditor invoice to show on creditor ledger
It is important to have the ability to identify the operator who processed a creditor invoice so that if there are errors further training can occur. Presently it is really difficult to get this information, other than trawling through the 'information audit report', in which case you need to know the date it was entered and currently neither the ledger or the outstanding invoice report shows this information, only the due date.
1 vote -
lease review dates
Add Lease review dates ( same as Rent review)
21 votes -
Recurring maintenance jobs
Set up a recurring maintenance order. For example Annual Pest Control.
7 votes -
Ownership statement improvements for owners
Ownership statement template improvements
Template fields to include respective "Property Manager" for signing off.
Have one link to which consolidates both the ownership statements and creditor invoices – this “one click” consolidation into one document is an appreciated convenience for owners to have statements and supporting documents in one file.
1 vote -
BPay Option for Sales Conveyancers
We have a Conveyancer who you can only send funds to prior to Settlement via BPAY. On the financial details screen you can only select Cheque or EFT as a payment method. Property Tree support told me to select cheque option and create payment in the sales trust. Our auditors will not be overly happy with this - please include BPAY as a payment option.
1 vote -
rent receipts to company when tenant has no email
When the rent is receipted and the tenant has no email, then send the rent receipt to the company inbox so it can be printed and sent to the tenant - like how PT does this with Automated Communications.
1 vote -
'Not for Relet' report
Have the ability to filter on properties that are currently set at the new status ‘Not for Relet’.
For example, have it added to the Dashboard and Vacant Properties report, for easy and quick access.
26 votes -
Rent Reviews QLD
Recent changes in legislation now mean that Rent Reviews in QLD are linked to the Property and not the Tenancy. It would be helpful to all QLD users to have a Rent Review option under the Property Profile so that we have the correct information at hand without having to look back into archived Tenants etc.
3 votesWe're pleased to advise that we have a solution currently in Development for this. We will let you know once it has been released.
An area where you can see your past support enquiries.
Hi, We moved across from VaultRE, and are missing the area that we could go in to view our past support tickets. Sometimes the emails with the transcripts of the chat come through, and not other times. I think that it would help reduce the amount of reoccurring chats for your team and give us something to revert back to to save getting in touch. We found it really handy, as our team could discuss if anyone else has had the same question, we could just refer back to our historic tickets. We would love it if you would consider…
1 vote -
Maintenance/Quote Cancellations
In Maintenance under quotes requested, it would be good if you could delete or cancel a quote request if creditor advises that they don't do specific request. Or at least be able to tick a box cancelled and see it in the request area.
1 vote -
Reference allocation for ABA uploads and Bank Transferrs
There needs to be a way to be able to put reference numbers/names into ABA file bank transfers. I have done several transfers to Solicitors/ NSW Trustee etc and the money has been unable to be identified. I understand that you can do a transfer straight from the bank, if this is the solution, why use property tree at all. We strongly rely on references, including to vendors.
When we used REST, we were able to do this. Simply being able to add a reference and the information comes across from the description section into the ABA would solve a…
43 votes -
Commercial Invoices - Management Fees
We need to be able to charge management fees on commercial tenant invoices, example pro rata rent increase invoices - like we could in REST - currently very manual & time consuming
32 votes -
Export report showing routine inspection frequency ie W13, W26 etc
Be able to export report showing routine inspection frequency ie W13, W26 etc
1 vote -
Have bond increase calculate automatically
With the new feature where a bond increase can be added with a rent increase, its it possible to have Property Tree calculate what the increase is rather than relying on users calculating this leaving room for mistakes. This could be a pre-determined setting based on bond being equal to 4 weeks rent or whatever is set up for each account.
1 vote -
Manual fees - show last charged date
We had an issue recently where a batch of manual fees were charged in consecutive months. It would be great if there was an alert when manually charging fees.
If PT could let you know the last date that the fee had been charged, so it could be checked and only charged if correct. Or even an alert if the fee has been charged in the last 6 months.
This would save time for us having to cancel & refund the fee but also the owner having to pay the fee and then wait for a refund.3 votes
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