Increase the Automatic Log-out time from 59minutes please.
I'm all for the new multiple security measures you've put in place, but I'm NOT down with being automatically logged out after 59 minutes of being inactive. I hop in & out of Property Tree at various times throughout the day, and often I'm out for more than an hour at a time. I want to ONLY have to log in to Property Tree ONCE in the morning, and then not have to keep re-logging in. It's annoying and frustrating ! It should keep you logged in until say 6pm at night for example.

We're pleased to announce there is a new Company Security section within your Configuration > Trust & Company Details that allows you to set your automated logout time. This can be set for 1,2 or 3 hours - You will then be logged out of Property Tree if it is left idle for the time you have set.
Peter Kafkas commented
Glad to hear there's developments, but an hour is too short. At least 24 hours
Tanisha Barlow commented
Is there an update on when this setting will be available?
It logs me out every 10-15 minutes. -
Donna Newell commented
Automatically being logged out, spend all day logging in. Security is one thing this is overkill, we are working on several tasks at any given moment, go into the bank to make payments, go back to PT and logged out again. With several people in an office experiencing this constantly total waste of work hours.
Niki Jacob commented
This is fantastic!!! This ois a great idea and our whole office is in agreeance
Lynda Lloyd commented
I was logged out while using the app!
Caroline Whitehurst commented
Yes it seems to be 10-15 minutes when it logs out, not long at all! I feel I'm constantly logging back in with 3 security points! :P
Sue Owen commented
Am really tired of being kicked off the software especially during payment processing. I logged an issue on 29/2 whereby every time I tried to pay creditors, i was kicked off the system. It has been an ongoing issues since then yet I only get a reply from support yesterday??? with some placating email about they are working on it. Well it seems to me someone has the software resourcing priorities messed up if time is spent on issues such as creating screen colours (which are dreadful by the way) is seen as more important than fixing things which are actually broken
Marion Bayliss commented
I am constantly being logged off after short periods of time, definitely never get 59 minutes. The new login progress of using an authenticator and removing the sms process seems pointless. Why is the authenticator anymore secure the sms, they are both on your devices.
Amanda Griffin commented
The timer is too short! A huge inconvenience making the general use of the system very frustrating. We would love to be able to work during the day without having to log in multiple times (our whole office feels the same and its becoming a not so funny joke). Its awesome when you take a call and are telling clients - "let me just quickly look that up for you"... "oh, just give me 5 minutes whilst I re-log in... oh sorry... multi factor, its loading - great we have such wonderful protections in place"... meanwhile you are just coming across as incompetent with technology.... Please, for the love of not making us look special to our clients, fix this.
Elders Rentals Ulverstone commented
Day 1 of the new log in procedure. Have already had to log in 12 times! Is it just us or is this ridiculous?
Rosa Pulvirenti commented
even every 6 hours would be great!
Jess dunn commented
only just lunch time and my 4th log in so far...
not even 2pm - we're up to 6 log ins for the day. this really is unreasonable. -
Alex Collins commented
Option for MRI to build out a setting that client can set timeout frequency if Property Tree is idol. Currently when running reports etc. requiring multiple tabs/sessions is causing drama's in user experience logging out after 1 hour.
Having the ability to build out a timer that if idol for X time it logs out - would be preferential, providing the client a more stable environment e.g 1 Hour, 2 hour, 4 hour,
This would obviously be different if changing financial data etc. that also cause MFA triggers, which would still run if changes made.
Alex Collins commented
Alternatively, an option to build setting that client can set timeout frequency if idol (i.e 1,2,3 hour)
Jade Sherwood commented
Automatic Log out time should be LONGER, having to log in 4-6 times a day it's very inconvenient, especially as an admin who needs to use it while on the phone in most cases, I have to ask the person to please hold and wait for me to log back in and get the authentication code, not ideal.
Lynda Lloyd commented
Extend the time PT remains open before it times out. I am finding if I am on the phone for a length of time, when I return or try to use PT during my phone call, it has timed out and I need to sign in again and now with the added authentication process, it is taking longer and is becoming difficult not to mention annoying.
Andrew Scott commented
The constant logging out only after short periods of idle is a serious time waster. Is there a fix for this?
You can't even answer a phone call and the system logs you out.
Extend the time please to at least 1 hour idle before logging out. -
Jess dunn commented
By 10.30am this morning I had logged in 3 times.
By 12.30pm I have had to log in 4 times myself, and twice with a colleague.
This is such a waste of time. We also use Vault by MRI, you only have to do the 2 factor log in once a week.
Here we go again - its 9.15am, I've had to log in twice already. -
Henry Cahillane commented
This is the exact same issue as the 'PropertyTree times out too quickly' problem and they should really be combined. Obviously, it is no coincidence that people started complaining about PT timing out too quickly immediately after 2FA was implemented. I would hope you understand your users well enough to see that people don't have a problem having to sign in again after walking away (since our web browsers auto-fill passwords anyway) but it's having to get up and get their phones and laboriously key in the code 20 times a day.
As I have suggested in the comments for that problem: implement 2FA the same way as other market leaders have done. Access from new devices & distant locations should always require 2FA and users should have the option to allow their device for 30/60/90 days.
Talia Flaherty commented
This is super inconvenient. Were having to login anywhere up to 20 times per day.