Bond Top Up Workflow
Ability to enter an increase to bonds like we do when entering a rent increase to the rent schedule, and this would need a due date.
The due date could trigger an auto comms to send that the bond top up of X is due to be paid, and auto comms could be set to send X days ahead.
This way, the original bond details remain (what was required at the time of commencement) and would track all bond top ups as rents are increased during the tenancy.

We are pleased to announce that this feature has been released and you can now easily add a bond increase at the same time as your rent increases! Check out the release notes
Kendal Anderson commented
Can an upgrade be made to allow WA to set up our own bond top up date. We cannot collect until at least 60 days after the rent increase date.
Tegan Phillips commented
At present this update doesn't appear to meet the legislative requirements for WA. We cannot have the bond top up owing prior to the rent increase date, and we need to be able to set our own bond top up due dates at least 60 days after the rent increase date.
Michelle Peck commented
New bond work flow updates are great, however to enable us to meet the requirements of the Act in providing the required notice for the Bond Top up in Automated Communication a Bond Top Due Date and the ability to set automation on the rent increase date not just prior would be required.
Kiara Baines commented
This is great, as a purely commercial agent, we really need a physical invoice to be linked to adding bonds and top up bonds. We currently have to add the invoice, send it, then delete the invoice so the bond is held in trust not paid to the owner when auto receipting is turned on.
Lisa Akeroyd commented
It's great to have the launch of the the bond increase workflow, however, it doesn't appear to have an individual due date for when the bond increase is to be paid by. The due date doesn't correspond with the rent increase. I have watched the video but it doesn't appear to be an explanation of this.
Michelle Peck commented
Bond Top Ups require a due date and top amount tab and Automated Communication needs a field for Bond Top Up Due Date and Amount due field this will enable us to send 60 days notice in rent increase automation.
Deb Bailey commented
Could this also apply to bond decreases when rent goes down? At the moment to get this to report correctly means adding a second bond line.
It would also be good if the bond ID could automatically update with the increase or decrease but in a way that it is only attached to the most current bond required line.
Kristopher Conroy commented
even if this is a long way off, the ability to have a merge field for bond required, bond outstanding, etc as merge fields would help when chasing up bond top ups. the fact that no fields for these items exist makes it hard to do audits.
Also the ability to spilt the reporting side of things down to each portfolio would be great as all other reports can be filtered by portfolio except bond summaries!
Indya Golding commented
Yes I agree to have this implemented
Deb Bailey commented
I also agree with Kristie's point number 4, this should be a priority. This is quite a painful process when doing the monthly reconciliation.
Deb Bailey commented
Would it be possible to include the ability to run a report at month end that has a total bond held, bond paid & bond held by authority, without having to remember export it to excel and add all these totals. This is something that Rest had that our auditors loved. It also made the month end reconciliation much easier and quicker. thanks
Kristie Smith commented
Excited for this update.
1. Include an option to select whether the bond increase is for pet bond or due to a rent increase.
2. Include an option to select a due date, as others have mentioned.
3. Allow for the information to be raised in a report.
4. There is also no current allowance to cater for partial bond refunds - can this be resolved at the same time? The only way we have been able to get around this is by adding a second bond to the tenant profile, which throws the bond reconciliation out of whack. -
Tegan Phillips commented
Ability to enter a due date for the bond top up is required in WA. Also we would need a report showing due/overdue bond top ups, either as a separate report or as part of the arrears page. An automated workflow for overdue bond top up reminders (as with invoice arrears) would also be appreciated!
Should be a priority item - with no clear cut reports or workflows, bond top ups are a nightmare to manage at present!
Kendal Anderson commented
The due date of when the bond top up is required to be paid. In WA we are required to provide 60 days notice.
A separate report that can be generated for each portfolio for the amount owing OR visible on the arrears report - Bond Owing.
Natalie Shrimpton commented
Should be a priority - bond top ups are a time consuming, manually exhausting process that MRI should have addressed a long time ago - don't forget bond top ups need to have a due date in order to comply with legislation requirements in WA & we need a merge field.
Debbie Rose commented
This should not be "we would love this" this should be a priority. In the current market with rent increasing with almost every renewal this is essential.
Alfioni Sofida commented
I really need the bond invoice and the top-up workflow.
Kiara Baines commented
Please include bonds including top up bonds owing on tenants invoices so we no longer have to create a separate manual invoice. The tenants will only pay what the invoice asks for - we hold commercial bonds in trust. The bond is not lodged direct like in residential.
Tash Williams commented
If there could be an account you can link it too the bond so you can send an invoice and leave it in there until paid would be great.
Currently I need to create invoice, delete so it doesnt receipt to the invoice and get paid out to owner, make a calendar note as the alerts only go to the property manager and then follow them up when they havent paid. If the bond account when selected for the invoice receipts it straight to the bond that way we can just process the bond payment and there is no chance these payments accidentially get paid out to the owner or missed -
Lisa Barry commented
this is a great idea. almost impossible to stay on top of bond top-ups and reminding tenants when it is due without having to create an alert for every single increase and bond top up, and physically contacting the tenants to remind them, very time consuming and messy. I have been making a note on tenancy profile, entering an alert to myself for the due date to follow up, and selecting "pin to tenancy receipt" however this does not actually pin the note to the tenants receipt, only shows the banner on our end when receipting funds.