23 results found
Contractor self-registration
It would be useful if new contractors could self-register on the kiosk when they arrive at our location for the first time. This will speed up the onboarding process and cut down on admin.
25 votes -
Add more columns to the contracts report
We use the value field within the Contracts for an organization. This field is not available within the report. This is the only field that is not available. It would be great if this could be added. Our finance team would find this very beneficial.
2 votesHi Graeme,
Thanks for your suggestion. We will open this up for votes from the wider community.
Contractor Forms / Permits
Would like to ability to create custom forms under Contractor Management so work permits could be sent and completed digitally and automatically saved under a contractors profile.
2 votes -
Token assignment from Contractor Manager
Add an option to assign contractor tokens from the contractor manager view. i.e. add a button in "run an action" to assign Tokens to more than one contractor without using excel batch.
1 voteThank you Anaisis, batch assignment of token types would be possible however; assigning actual unique tokens to each holder would only work of you are assigning 'system generated' ID tokens. Is this your intent.
Ability to Pre-Register Contractors
The ability to pre-register contractors, we have the ability for pre-registering visitors, but it doesn't include contractors. This functionality would be a valuable improvement - it will give
Improved security: We would be able to track who is expected to attend the site, which would help to improve security.
The ability to confirm all requirements Insurances, Inductions etc are up to date BEFORE they attend site & are denied entry causing reactionary work15 votes -
Adding the induction link to the ‘Matcher Person’ Placeholder on a Trigger
During the Contractor sign-in process, we use triggers to deny access due to the Induction not being completed, expired, or failed.
Could we please have the same trigger also send the correct induction link to the contractor via email or text?
I suggest adding the induction link to the ‘Matcher Person’ Placeholder on the Trigger.6 votes -
Trigger - No Certification on file
Have a trigger where if there is no contractor certification on file it flags
1 vote -
Contractor Documentation
We use “insurance” under Service Providers to store not only the insurances the providers should have contracted in order to work with us, but also to register other legal documents required by law when doing business with us. This information are company (not individual) certifications. Some examples: A legal certification of a company to do high rise window cleaning or a lega certification of a heat generators maintenance company to perform works on this kind of equipment, etc. My suggestion, is to extend/modify the concept of Insurance not only to insurances policy but also to other “company qualifications”, or more…
8 votes -
When Editing Organization Members, Stay in Organization Tab
When you currently edit members in a specific organization and go back to the organization, it jumps back to members. It would be nice for the system to stay in the organization you selected to save time instead of having to go back to the organization tab, scroll back to the organization, go back to the members, then find the next member.
2 votes -
Automated contractor inductions from company website
We currently spend a lot of time manually processing contractor induction requests - contractor members will email us to request an induction, we clarify and then enter their info, and send them the relevant induction.
A time-saving measure would be to add a form to our company website where contractor members can add and submit their own information, this links to and adds their info to On Location, and their induction is automatically sent.
I realise that there are some intricacies to this around data management e.g. any new contractor organisation not already in On Location will still require manual…
4 votes -
View Contractor profile direct from member profile
When in a contractor profile, you can view the members with one click, and then click on a desired member to view their profile. It would be great if you could do this moving the opposite way as well. So that when you are in a member's profile, you click to see the organisation and then click on that to view the profile, instead of having to go back to the organisations list and searching for it.
6 votes -
Allow sign out manager to sign out assets to contractors
We have keys and passes that we sign out and in to contractors. We need an audit trail against a sign in to show assets going out and coming back. Would be great if you could have a tab that links to assets and lets a user assign out and check back in an asset or assets.
4 votes -
Contractor employee maintenance
When creating a new contractor employee, entering a name show “Possible existing service provider names” matching the entered text. When hoover over one of the possible names, show more info (at least, the organization he/she belongs to).
5 votes -
Require more than just a Full name when signing in to a center
When a contractor signs in to a center the system only asks for a full name and we have multiple contractors with the same name, job title, and organization details. And with just the full name of the contractors anyone can sign in to a center which is a huge vulnerability in security and we had an issue of that kind. It would be really helpful if you could implement or introduce an additional security field like pin/MFA/auth.
4 votes -
Non-hosted Contractor Generates Notification to 'Organization Owner'
Two parts to this idea:
First - Allow individual Members of Organizations to have associated 'Organization Owners' like the Organization is able to.
Second - Allow 'Organization Owners' to be an option for who to notify when Contractor signs in without specifying a Host.
1 vote -
Certification expirations alert
Notification of certifications expirations can be sent by email to service providers employees. But usually we don’t have an email address on record for all service provider employees, so, we want to suggest the option to send the expiration notice by SMS.
4 votes -
Contractor to host visitors
This is something usual: A contractor is working inside the building, then a supplier of the contractor came to the building with goods who need to be delivered somewhere INSIDE the building. I want to allow this supplier of the contractor to be registered as a visit, and per my policy, i need someone to be accountable for this visit, but in this case is not an employee but a contractor the one i want to record as the responsible for this visit.....
4 votes -
Pre-built Contractor Questionnaires
Pre-built contractor questionnaires to choose from and customize. It would be really helpful to see some of the ways to structure the sign-in process for contractors. This could also be a good idea for the community portal where other users can share how they are integrating their contractors, what questions they are asking, and how they are storing and managing required documents. It would be interesting to see the best way to ask for pre-job and post-job documents and any permits requested to go paperless.
2 votes -
Insurance Report - view column sort order
Insurance Report - view column sort order: When try to setup an Insurance report layout to save as a view
• The view order want to have Organization in the 1st column, then Org status, then Type, as per the screenshot of the excel layout
• However, when tick Type, it always moves it to Column 1 ?
• How can I get it to be defined in column 3Feedback from support is, this cannot be done as this is hard coded in the software.
Request is to remove the hard coded column settings and allow flexibility of column…
2 votes -
Add custom fields to Badges
It would be great to be able to add Contractor profile custom fields to our badge designs. We have different classifications for contractors which dictate their different access levels on site and it would be ideal if this could be captured easily on their badge.
1 vote
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