Contractor to host visitors
This is something usual: A contractor is working inside the building, then a supplier of the contractor came to the building with goods who need to be delivered somewhere INSIDE the building. I want to allow this supplier of the contractor to be registered as a visit, and per my policy, i need someone to be accountable for this visit, but in this case is not an employee but a contractor the one i want to record as the responsible for this visit.....
Great idea Martín again. Thank you. We do have this in our roadmap already but have never received many requests from our community for 'contractor hosting'; so we have always pushed it back in favour of other features. However; I'd love to see more votes for this and any other feedback. I will take as always still take your request to our team at our next UserVoice meeting next week (we meet fortnightly at the moment to review all UserVoice submissions).