Automated contractor inductions from company website
We currently spend a lot of time manually processing contractor induction requests - contractor members will email us to request an induction, we clarify and then enter their info, and send them the relevant induction.
A time-saving measure would be to add a form to our company website where contractor members can add and submit their own information, this links to and adds their info to On Location, and their induction is automatically sent.
I realise that there are some intricacies to this around data management e.g. any new contractor organisation not already in On Location will still require manual processing so that data integrity is maintained (correct spelling of organisation name etc.).
There will be many other challenges I haven't thought of, however, I think there is some scope for automating inductions.

Carolyn Keith commented
Can this not be done already in the Portal - set the new contractor up, add a member to be a Portal User, but don't allow them access to your sites until everything else is completed.
The Portal user from the contractor can add their workers, send the inductions and get all their end completed prior to coming to site. -
Contractor self-service and Contractor Onboarding is in the 'gathering requirements' phase as a much requested feature. We hope to deliver this in 2024 but in the meantime we will leave open for further comment. We do have enough demand for this where 'votes' are not really required.