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36 results found

  1. Currently, Global Roamers receive a message when a Panic Alarm is triggered at a location they are set as Global Romer for. The customer would like the option to turn off Global Roamers receiving notification when a Panic Alarm is triggered.

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  2. Panic Alarm trigger
    Many customers have asked for a trigger on evacuation, and Panic Alarm where a trigger will fire on Evacuation created or Panic Alarm triggered allowing an email or webhook to be sent to access control solutions and other 3rd party solutions

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    The main problem is that there is NO placeholder for DATE e.g. meaning the Data of visit / when the visitor is coming.

    Customer would like to have email when pre-registration is done
    Email should include, name, organization, email address, phone number and TIME and DATE of the EVENT/VISIT.

    Please add a new placeholder to be used:

    Thank you.

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  4. When Pre-Registering a Visitor and sending a Questionnaire with Custom Questions that require a Signature. A Host should be able to receive the signed document and acknowledgement by email before the Visitor Signs in. This would be an integral asset for Businesses that require forms to be signed befoer coming on site. The workflow would be as followed:

    1. A Host invites a visitor (Pre-Registers them) and they receive our NDA and a Health & Safety Questionnaire in advance by email.
    2. The visitor signs the NDA and completes the Questionnaire in advance, and we receive this data back before they arrive…
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  5. You should consider making OnSentry full online. We've been receiving many complaints from the customer, when using two or more CipherLab unis in the same location, due to its offline development; for example, if a contractor sign-in through an Access Point and, in a short time he/she try to sign-out through the other AP, the OnSentry set or placed in that area registers another sign-in for the same contractor, then, the security guy try to update database manually, but, is the Db is too heavy, the unit takes a long time to get Db updated.

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    Hi Camilo,

    Thank you for your suggestion.

    We are currently in the process of making improvements to OnLocation mobile to allow it to perform same tasks as OnSentry. These developments will take effect in the course of next 12 months.

    We will consider how to improve the offline experience in this process. Thanks.



  6. When using the OnEvac app, I have found that the People Verified Safe graph is calculating all people in the selected zone, even when the Event is selected for Employees On Site Only.

    As we have shift workers, we will always select Employees On Site Only, so this calculation will always calculate incorrectly. Surely this calculation should not be including people who are not currently on site? That's not logical.

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  7. Would like to ability to create custom forms under Contractor Management so work permits could be sent and completed digitally and automatically saved under a contractors profile.

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  8. Add an option to send tokens directly to users by email or sms (the same way as inductions). This will allow users to have their access code digitally without having to print a badge.

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    Hello Anaisis, your employees and contractors, if using the free OnLocation Mobile app, are automatically issued with a Token as a QR Code which can be used to express scan into a site. Refer to the Access Summary article below.

    If a visitor is pre-registered their token is emailed to them via the feature called OnPass

    I will leave this idea open in case we misinterpreted your request.

  9. During the Contractor sign-in process, we use triggers to deny access due to the Induction not being completed, expired, or failed.
    Could we please have the same trigger also send the correct induction link to the contractor via email or text?
    I suggest adding the induction link to the ‘Matcher Person’ Placeholder on the Trigger.

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  10. Whenever an employee has been to a Location (school), they would be required to register their e-mail address in their WOL system, but it won't allow the same e-mail to be registered in another Location. This scenario happens between schools because many teachers work in more than one school using the same Department of Education e-mail address.

    In my point of view, the duplication should be restricted by Location and not the whole system. The kiosk has a Location on its data, that should be enough to find which Location the sign-in is really happening.

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    Thank you for your submission. We implemented single use email rules from day one in 2012 as part of best practise security however; we recognise today that in some use cases like yours this creates limitations.

    We do have a solution with the recent release of the Custom Communities feature whereby each school can setup a Custom Community e.g 'Roaming Teachers' (distinct from say standard Employees who only work at that school). You then add those roaming teachers (that also work for other schools) to this new community as members. Next you add that 'Roaming Teachers' community to the sign-in kiosk options. When a teacher goes to sign in to your school using a Kiosk, QR Code or are signed in by an operator, they can select from 'Visitor', 'Contractor', 'Employee', or 'Roaming Teacher'. When selecting 'Roaming Teacher' they can be taken through a unique sign-in workflow.

    Members emails can…

  11. Option to have free text textbox for Employee/Contractors to answer an induction question as currently we only have an option to select a single/multiple/image options. This is basic requirement for any eLearning/Courses where the question type would be choice based ( single/multiple/image) selection or a free text for users to provide their comments. Kindly review and let me know when you think this can be added. We wanted to use OnLocation system as our core LMS system without having to license any other 3rd party systems.

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    Thank you Vini for the feedback. If we add a 'free text' option then the ability to 'pass' someone on that specific question would be based on them entering something; in fact anything at all (even n/a). As we could assess a statement entered by the inductee being true or false is there are specific example you could share with me directly of a question.

  12. Have a trigger where if there is no contractor certification on file it flags

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  13. If there is a click button in sign In/Out Manager for the admin person to send out an reminder to all staff who have not signed in or signed out that would be great and for this an option to put their on site days and times while creating their profile is required.

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  14. for a business that manage more than 1,000 members from different companies, it would be great to add a filter in token holders to narrow by service provider.

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  15. We have a trigger to not allow employees to sign in if the induction training is incomplete. But the trigger does not pop up until the employee goes through the whole sign in process and answers about 10 questions. It would save a lot of time if the trigger popped up on the screen right after the employee searched for their name. This would also be helpful for contractors as well.

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  16. Allow the functionality to upload a PowerPoint directly as images and raw text. The ability to select the page template and import content from a PPT slide would speed things up!

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  17. Our business operates 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, on 12 hour shifts. Our night shift crosses over the midnight mark, from one day into the next day. The current automation and occupancy settings do not fit the operating parameters of our business operations.
    Could we please have an automatic sign out setting, that was based upon the number of hours, not a specific time of day.

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  18. Deliveries currently only get notified to employees via email or text message. Can the option for this to also be sent through the app as a push notification be added. (Same as when you have a visitor.)

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  19. We currently spend a lot of time manually processing contractor induction requests - contractor members will email us to request an induction, we clarify and then enter their info, and send them the relevant induction.

    A time-saving measure would be to add a form to our company website where contractor members can add and submit their own information, this links to and adds their info to On Location, and their induction is automatically sent.

    I realise that there are some intricacies to this around data management e.g. any new contractor organisation not already in On Location will still require manual…

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  20. At one location we may have 4 different kiosks set up with deliveries + use deliveries within Sign in/out manager. On the reporting there is no way to show the different areas they were logged?

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