90 results found
Break Lease Fee Calculator
Create a calculator that works out the break lease period/fee within any given fixed lease term using the lease start and end dates.
44 votes -
Cancelled Invoices - show who cancelled the invoice
Cancelled Creditor Invoices and Tenancy Invoices display a status of 'cancelled xx/xx/22' and the 'info' symbol displays cancelled reason.
It would be helpful to also display the User who cancelled the invoice as this is not displayed at all
Eg: when clicking on the 'info' symbol it displays 'reason' + 'User initials or short name'
41 votes -
Tenant Statement showing all invoices owing
Have an easy way to remind tenants of invoices that are due (prior to becoming overdue), for example have a statement of outstanding items that can be sent without having the need to enter a new invoice
35 votesWe're pleased to advise this is currently in development. We'll let you know once it has been released.
Show arrears and invoicing owing on receipts
Have the total arrears display on the receipt. On the receipt screen once entered it shows the arrears for rent, this should come through to the printed/emailed receipt. Same for invoices - it doesn't currently show the outstanding amount, only what has been paid (it doesn't even show what the original invoice amount was)
31 votes -
'Not for Relet' report
Have the ability to filter on properties that are currently set at the new status ‘Not for Relet’.
For example, have it added to the Dashboard and Vacant Properties report, for easy and quick access.
26 votes -
Find Invoice from Tenancy Profile and Owner Profile
It is currently not possible to see any PAID Tenancy Invoices from the Tenancy Profile > Financials tab.
Any chance you can add a ‘View Invoices’ button to the Tenancy Profile > Financials tab > Outstanding Invoices section, which then takes you to the ‘Find Tenancy Invoice’ screen, with the filter for the individual Tenant already selected?
It would work exactly like the already existing feature for ‘View Fees’, but in this case it’s for Tenancy Invoices.It might also be good to have that feature available for the Creditor Invoices on the Owner Profile.
26 votes -
Tenant Report for Water Usage
Ability to report whether a tenancy is selected as Yes/No for Water Usage
26 votes -
Rent Credit Type report
Currently you are able to create different rent 'credit types' eg deferral, abatement, rent free period etc however there is no report that surfaces the 'rent credit types' or reason for credits (the find transactions report displays credit type as 'Credit - Tenancy' only)
Can we add in a Report for Tenancy Credits which displays the fields Credit Type, Reason, Amount, etc or add this information to the existing 'Find Transactions' report?
23 votes -
Add a Business Role filter to anywhere there is a filter for Portfolio
Add a 'Business Role' filter to anywhere there is a filter for Portfolio.
Including Find Pages, Reporting and all Dashboards
This will assist immensely when reporting or searching for anything by Portfolio to define the results by a specific Business' Role.
As an example, currently in Find Profile > You cannot find a simple list of properties that are UNASSIGNED for the Business Role 'Property Manager'.
23 votes -
Show tenants current rent amount on the receipt
Show tenants current rent amount on the receipt. It shows on the receipt screen when entering and after it's been entered, but that does not pull through to the printed/emailed receipt
21 votes -
Have the property managers name as a column in reports
Option to have the property managers name in all reports, so that when they are exported or printed this is known. As it is only a filter, it's not apparent unless still on that screen in PropertyTree as to who the agent is
18 votes -
add a field for rent review figure and a merge field for it
We would love to have a rent review field and a mergefor it, so when we use our email /letter templates the figure will merge - would streamline the whole rent review/lease expiry process for our team
17 votes -
Ability to see Split of Arrears on Dashboard as a % portion of total arrears
Currently the rental & fees arrears on the PT dashboard are shown as a total % of 100%. It would be great if this could be shown as a % of the total arrears percentage.
17 votes -
Bond held report that can be filtered by portfolio
To be able to produce a bond held report that can be filtered by portfolio
17 votes -
Monthly bond report
To be able to generate a report of all bonds held by both PT and held by the bond authority. We need this to be able to easily cross reference with the Bond Authority report for audit purposes. This needs to be in PDF (for auditors) & excel (for reconciling) with totals at the end of the report. At the moment, we export to excel and add totals but this is not always sufficient for auditors to check the PT report against the bond authority report.
The monthly report that is in Rest is great and perhaps could be used…17 votes -
Allow bonds to be filtered by Property Manager
Allow outstanding bonds to be filtered by Property Manager under Trust & Reports > Bond and Deposit Summary
17 votes -
Information Audit Filters and Refinement
It would be extremely beneficial to be able to filter not only by date range and accounting period but also by Ownership ID, Property ID and Tenancy ID. This would help in understanding key data changes but to also then aid training should a process not be being followed correctly.
16 votes -
Better visibility of Recurring Invoices on Tenancy + Owner Profile
Invoices on Tenancy Profile:
- Ability to see the Recurring Tenancy Invoices on the Tenancy profile, on the Financials tab > Outstanding Invoices, without having to first click on ‘View Recurring Invoices’.
- Selecting ‘View Recurring Invoices’ then unnecessarily takes you out of the Tenancy profile, which is not ideal if you just want to view what’s currently setup against the tenancy.
- Also, even if the Recurring Tenancy Invoice is not yet outstanding, however there is one scheduled and due in the future, it would be great to have that information on the screen.
- Adding columns displaying the…15 votes -
More information recording in the information audit
Capture more information in the information audit, such as changing dates (leases, vacating), bond details, charging fees, editing bank account details. Would be good to be able to have this accessible by profile too
15 votes -
Report - Account Code of all Creditors
Would like to be able to run a report listing all Creditors to ensure they are under the right account code.
14 votes
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