Tenant Statement showing all invoices owing
Have an easy way to remind tenants of invoices that are due (prior to becoming overdue), for example have a statement of outstanding items that can be sent without having the need to enter a new invoice

We're pleased to advise this is currently in development. We'll let you know once it has been released.
Haley Rapp commented
any up date on this feature?
Donna Gordin commented
Yes please, this would be amazing
Paul Abel commented
REST has a function where with a couple of clicks, you can generate a tax invoice that is a 1 page summary of any all items due for rent and outgoings. It reflects whether any part payment has been made, the balance due, date due etc.
This concise summary is brilliant when chasing arrears. Currently, you have to refer to separate invoices generated on different dates which is a bloody nightmare and very time consuming. -
Amanda Griffin commented
This! at the moment it appears you have to generate the tenancy overview to get somewhat of a "statement" but that is a lot of information included which is great for an overview but, we need a simple statement of current rent and accounts due / overdue that can be emailed to tenants directly from the system on demand - This is what is due, this is what you need to pay including the next period of rent due.
Better yet, I wish the system had the ability to attach a link to a system generated statement (as at that day) for when you are creating communication emails / templates / automated emails for rent / accounts due / overdue (attach todays statement - yes / no).
GeeDee had the ability to generate statements and it was amazingly simple but so user friendly - please add this sort of function to make our lives easier :)
Nyree Maloney commented
More Document codes for owner/tenant & property. Would be great to add like filesmart. (Owner ID, Court Docs etc)
Nyree Maloney commented
Would be great to have a tenant invoice / statement like REST had. We issue this to tenants at the end of a tenancy with all amounts outstanding. If we needed to go to court we could also issue this to the courts without having multiple invoices.
this is very clear for a final balance for a tenant.