Better visibility of Recurring Invoices on Tenancy + Owner Profile
Invoices on Tenancy Profile:
- Ability to see the Recurring Tenancy Invoices on the Tenancy profile, on the Financials tab > Outstanding Invoices, without having to first click on ‘View Recurring Invoices’.
- Selecting ‘View Recurring Invoices’ then unnecessarily takes you out of the Tenancy profile, which is not ideal if you just want to view what’s currently setup against the tenancy.
- Also, even if the Recurring Tenancy Invoice is not yet outstanding, however there is one scheduled and due in the future, it would be great to have that information on the screen.
- Adding columns displaying the Frequency, next payment Due Date, the Start and End Date would be valuable information to see straight away.
- This not only provides a good overview of the invoices for that Tenancy, but it also makes it very clear if it’s a standard Tenancy Invoice or a Recurring one.
Invoices on Owner Profile:
- Also, having the ability to see the difference between a standard Creditor Invoices vs the Recurring Creditor Invoices on the Ownership profile > Outstanding Invoices would be a great enhancement.
- For example, adding columns displaying the Frequency, the Start and End Date for the Recurring Creditor Invoices.