132 results found
More and more work is being completed with the API, This request is to ask for the API to include Triggers. With the ability to access triggers and trigger ID and name of the trigger we will be able to assist more customers, particularly those customers that have 20 to 30 triggers per location across 50 plus locations.
This request is to make Triggers available through the API
7 votes -
Filter Certifications Expiry report by Department
It would be advantageous to be able to view employees in a particular department who have certifications with impending expiry dates. This would allow training personnel to schedule department-specific training for that certification.
4 votes -
API insurance update required - Policy Type and Polcies Registered
Hi Team
As we have more customers doing more integrations, we require more access to data through the API
OnLocation API does not support reading the Contractor Insurance settings, which is a significant issue.
Can we please ask for the inclusion of the following through the API
Insurance Policy Types, including audience and Insurance Policies Registered5 votes -
New/better platform for building inductions
I'm really struggling to use the current tool for building inductions. It's difficult to resize images without them disappearing altogether; difficult to move blocks around - sometimes the "drop" highlight comes up, sometimes it doesn't. I've tried on different PCs but the tool behaves in the same way regardless. It's hard to get my induction to look professional with such a finicky tool. I'm surprised there are no other suggestions for a revamped tool in here.
1 vote -
Automation & Occupancy Settings - Add Exclusion Rules for Contractors
Our business, and many others, operate 24 hours a day with Contractors who are signed in at various hours.
It would be great if the automated sign out function could exclude individual contractor names (or all names under that Contractor business) from being signed out at the defined time.
For example, cleaners often work at night, which is when the automated sign out process runs. If we turn off the automation to accommodate this, if a contractor forgets to sign out, they will be forever in the system and this could become problematic over time - especially if there is…
3 votes -
Can you make is possible to batchprint pre-registered visitors badge passes? Add it like a feature to activate so its not on as default. We have a customer that print up to 100 passes at the time and they dont like to manually click out every pass.
best regards
Andreas1 vote -
Implement so you can see who are signed in on onlocation mobile app
Make it possible to see who is signed in on the onlocation mobile app. Do it as an administrator feature
2 votesHi Andreas,
I am pleased to tell you that this feature is in development and will be released very soon. Employees with the Sign in/out manager and/or Reports Manager user roles will have access to a new area called 'On-Site Insights' where they can look up who is currently signed in at their locations. Stay tuned for future updates.
Contracts Trigger - Deny access if contractor org has no contract
Create a new trigger rule that can detect if a contractor organization has no contract on file.
Current triggers only work if an organization has a contract - we need to deny access if there is no contract or if all contracts are expired/not valid/not active/etc.
It might also make sense to add contract "types", so that be used by a trigger as well. For example, if no "Contract Type A" exists or is expired, deny entry and send an email.
2 votes -
Signin/signout Method Notification.
Sign in/out method notification. To be able to alert the host what method the visitor used to sign in/out. As we have a high volume of visitors for security reasons to know who has to be signed out manually.
1 vote -
Alcolizer randomisation
We already have an integration fro Alcolizer, I have asked multiple times over the past 6 years to allow randomisation to apply. Currently we can only breath test every person, customers are asking for and some of our competitors already have the ability to randomize who needs to complete a breath test. The ability for the customer to set some rules like every contractor must do 3 breath tests a year or 45% of contractors and 20% of employees must complete a breath test in a 12 month period.
2 votesHi Peter,
Thank you for your feedback. We will leave this open to determine community interest and feedback and consider it in our future roadmap planning.
Create and Induction training for Visitor similar to Contractors.
This will allow visitors to complete any site required training before arriving on site. Also have retraining (expiration) date so that they can retake it annually.
7 votes -
Allow selection of all locations in a group when running a people presence report
We have multiple groups in our business and each of the groups have multiple locations. Currently you are not able to select all (or multiple) locations in a group when running a people presence report. If this function could be added it would be easier than running multiple reports.
2 votesHI Vicki,
Thanks for your feedback. We will take this into consideration when planning future reporting improvements and open this up for votes form the community.
Customizable Templates For Badge Printing.
Ability to adjust the font size and boldness, center and adjust where photo and QR codes sit and their size.
2 votes -
Certificate expiry
Have an expiry period on a certification itself, much like inductions. E.g. First Aid cert entered in the Cert manager is given an validity period of 1yr. So any first aid certs uploaded for people automatically alert based on ValidFrom date entered. I know there's the ValidTo date on each uploaded cert, but this is pretty error prone and it would be a good reference for people to know that the cert is only valid in our eyes for 1year before they need to renew.
1 vote -
Have different certification notification periods per certification - currently can only have one setting across all certificates
Have different certification notification periods per certification - currently can only have one setting across all certificates
1 vote -
Sign in improvement, having a ".com" Keybaord Macro / Button when caputring email address
To improve sign in speed / optimisation, it would be really helpful to have a keyboard button for ".com", when entering in the visitors email address.
1 voteHi Steve,
Thank you for adding your idea.
Could you please let us know what kind of Kiosks devices you are using for sign-in e.g., touch screen PC, iPad etc.
In the meantime we will be opening this for wider community Voting.
Option to turn off Global Roamers to receive Panic Alarm message
Currently, Global Roamers receive a message when a Panic Alarm is triggered at a location they are set as Global Romer for. The customer would like the option to turn off Global Roamers receiving notification when a Panic Alarm is triggered.
4 votes -
QR Code Poster for Induction "Kiosk"
Create a QR Code Poster for an Induction Kiosk - when a contractor attends site & their induction needs to be completed they can scan the QR Code poster & complete their induction without the need of the induction being manually sent via email or sms
34 votesQR Code Poster for Induction "Kiosk" is now in development and will be available after the next release. Thank you for sharing your idea with us. We will update this post once released.
Emergency Reports
In an emergency response, seconds can be critical.
1. Add button to web portal homepage to print report of ALL people on-site
2. Add button to OnLocation app to trigger OnEvac33 votes -
Expected arrival function for offsite employees at appointments
I want Team Leaders to be able to check if an employee has completed an appointment offsite in the time expected. e.g. other employee tracking apps allow the employee to load expected time at appointment offsite, if they don't check in by x time their team leader gets a prompt to check in. The team leader will need to be different for employees in different teams. It needs to work offsite- e.g. bob goes to see client offsite at 4pm, expected to finish at 5pm, he goes straight home after. Team leader gets a prompt to check in at 5.15…
1 voteHI Alison,
We have a scheduled roadmap item for later in 2025 to implement safety check-ins for employees and contractors. We will take your suggestion into consideration and open this up for further votes.
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