Increase the Automatic Log-out time from 59minutes please.
I'm all for the new multiple security measures you've put in place, but I'm NOT down with being automatically logged out after 59 minutes of being inactive. I hop in & out of Property Tree at various times throughout the day, and often I'm out for more than an hour at a time. I want to ONLY have to log in to Property Tree ONCE in the morning, and then not have to keep re-logging in. It's annoying and frustrating ! It should keep you logged in until say 6pm at night for example.

We're pleased to announce there is a new Company Security section within your Configuration > Trust & Company Details that allows you to set your automated logout time. This can be set for 1,2 or 3 hours - You will then be logged out of Property Tree if it is left idle for the time you have set.
Niki Jacob commented
it seems to be getting worse as far as being lo9gged out after just a few minutes of inactivity. It really is time consuming having to log in constantly
David Cradock commented
We need to be able to extend the login time. keep getting kicked out & having to login again & again
Janet Hopwood commented
Reduce the absolute session logout to around 10 hours
Caitlyn Richardson commented
Even once every 6 hours would be better than each time a staff member accidently closes their window
Melissa Foggin commented
Once per 24 hour period is enough. Love the increased security, but the current set up is a OTT.
Gabrielle Abbott commented
We are happy to use the 2 factor system - once per day....This is a logistical nightmare..
Nikki Daley commented
I support two-factor authentication to prevent security breaches... However, I feel the need to authenticate every time you log in is simply OVER THE TOP. Is there any chance or way we can have a time period to authenticate via phone or email? Once when you log in for the day and if need be one during the day at any random time? It would make PT user-friendly if there were a time period (e.g., 24 hours) Thanks
Bronte Rapp commented
With lots of agencies turning on two-factor authentication to prevent security breaches, it would be handy if there was a time period (e.g., 24 hours) where you only have to authenticate yourself once when logging in to a device.