Forwarding emails in Communication Platform
The new Communications Platform does not have a Forward ability and only has a reply option. Work around: If you reply to the email and replace the email address to the recipient required this will then work as a forward. Would be easier to just have a Forward option.

We're pleased to advise you can now forward the latest email as part of an email thread, allowing you to capture all of the related email conversations.
Kylie McNally commented
Once you responded in communications, you can not continue the correspondence trail. You have to go back to respond to the previous response from Landlord/Tenant. This makes it messy and confusing to follow
Pam Hatwieger commented
Please also add the option to RE-SEND an email out of the PT Comms Platform.
It's currently not possible to re-send the initial email (can't even reply) to follow up with tenants/owners if they have not replied yet.
It is more user-friendly to have all communications about the same topic within the one/same email (trail).
Jane Linsley commented
Makes sense to have this!
Jane Linsley commented
Please add a "Forward" option for emails in Communications.
Kristy Penington commented
Not sure if you are aware you can allocate it to another staff member if its not for you.