Auto Communication option for rent increases reminding the week before the increase commences
As with auto comms for up coming routine inspections, auto comms for rent increases just before they are about to commence would be helpful.

Priti Singh commented
This would bring down arrears for the tenancies
Priti Singh commented
The renters should be sent an email 2 days before the due date for the rent.
Chloe Holliday commented
It would be incredibly helpful if there was an option to add automatic communication to the tenants to remind them when their scheduled rent increase is due.
Lauren Sweetman commented
This would be perfect, we have so many tenants miss their increase or claim they never got it!
Robert Tomasello commented
YES to that one.... notes and schedules are good but sometimes you miss the reminder and then the increases go out late
Georgina Winson commented
Yes this would be great!
Gary White commented
Would be helpful, although the date of the automated message needs to be flexible. I note the original post says 1 week prior, our invoices for commercial get sent 2 weeks prior to the due date.
Kim Nguyen commented
Yessss this could made my life easier
Abby Proud commented
I would love this feature to be implemented and find it highly beneficial.
Vanessa Dunstall commented
I would love this feature to be implemented and find it highly beneficial.
Abbey Hutchesson commented
Would love this feature to be implemented and find it highly benificial.
Catherine Morton commented
Very helpful and would save so much time chasing tenants.
Larni Mulry commented
This would be extremely handy & would avoid all the time taken to chase the arrears with tenants due to starting the payments late
Natalie Fel commented
It would also need to be automated due to the paid to date, if they are paid in advance the increase sometime becomes effective before the actual date.
Pamela Latorre commented
I think this would be amazing as a prompt prior to the new rent increase reminder as renters do tend to forget specially commercial properties who have signed a contract years prior and have rent increases during their term but prior to exercising their options.
Tyra Suemai commented
Would be great if we could have this option available as many renter forget to pay their rent increase.