Ability to have emails sent through property tree have our own email address. So if they do not hit reply and copy and paste the address that it will still send to the person sending it. If they reply to the address where it comes from being proeprtytree@propertytree.com.au - it does not send anywhere as it is an unknown address.
Hi Stacey, thanks for your feedback - you can have domain branded emails setup for your database now (where emails sent from Property Tree will send using your domain rather than @propertytree.com), please refer to this knowledgebase article for more information on this https://propertytree.elevio.help/en/articles/93250. However, just to confirm the current process - when a contact hits reply to a propertytree@propertytree.com email they receive from you, it will have your reply address entered automatically, whether this is to external (outlook) or to the Property Tree Communications Platform (the email address you configure for this), it will never have the reply to email as the Property Tree email. If a contact emails propertytree@propertytree.com as a standalone email address (where reply has not been used), they will receive a bounce back advising to contact their agent directly as that address is not monitored. I hope this has been useful information, if you'd like further clarification, please reach out to our support team for a chat. Kind Regards,
Ange - Product Team