Creditor current bsb and account to show when loading invoice
Creditor current banking details to show when loading invoices.
It is too easy for a creditor to change bank accounts and not advise in writing separately.
Just changing their details on an invoice seems to be the new norm.
We need to see the banking bsb and account details to check when loading invoices.
Or the sale of a business and we are not advised.

Tash Williams commented
It would be helpful if in the create creditor invoice page that it shows the creditors bank details in the creditor section so you can double check it is correct without having to always check the creditor card then going back to enter in the invoice.
Jess dunn commented
Yes, more and more companies seem to be switching banks more frequently.
To have to go to each creditor outside of IG to check the bank account is the same, or has been updated is so frustrating. All the information is in there - we just need it on the same page! -
Brendan Doughty commented
This is one of those quality of life improvements that eliminates many headaches. Please implement this!
Karen Wood commented
This would be extremely helpful as companies change banking details and we cant check this without going out and into the creditor clicking on 2 tabs to check before any invoices are loaded.
This would stream-line process and assist with requesting funds back from a prior account or owner of the creditor business. -
Ebru Perk commented
It would be helpful to list the creditor's bank account details / BPAY Biller Code when we are entering the invoices. This is because we recently had a creditor change their bank account details but they did not inform us. We paid the invoice to their old account and the money bounced back. If the creditor's payment information was listed on the page where we enter invoices, then we could easily check their bank account details as we are entering the invoices. Otherwise we would have to go to the creditor's profile page every single time we enter an invoice for each creditor. This is would be very time consuming.
Karen Wood commented
We are having creditors funds returned due to banking changes on a more regular basis due to not seeing the banking details when loading invoices.