Inspection Frequency
It would be great if in configuration you can add multiple inspection frequency scenarios, i.e. one for 3 month and one for 6 month.
Then when adding in a property or tenancy there is an option to select which frequency that particular property/tenant is on.
Currently I am setting notes with reminders to update after each inspection and then resetting a note as most of my inspections are 3 monthly but there is a number of owners that only require 6 monthly. Not only does this involve more admin time, it could easily be removed from the alerts or missed.

Hi Tash, thanks for your suggestion. I was wondering if you were aware that in the inspection tab on the tenancy, if you click the edit pencil you can override the company default (of 3 months as an example, and set this tenants inspections to 6 month frequency), so it will look to this when doing the updates. I hope this helps in the interim - as this would be a good option to have against the property, so that when tenants come and go, the set frequency for that property would remain. Thanks, Ange - Product Team