200 results found
New Property Tree Interface - Post your feedback
Our March release included the new Property Tree Interface - if you have any feedback regarding this, please post a comment for our Product Team below.
34 votesThank you all for your feedback on the interface update
Property Tree times out to quickly - having to constantly login back in after a few minutes of staying idle
Property Tree times out to quickly - having to constantly login back in with the SMS code after a few minutes of staying idle
Once you've signed in for the day that should be it. You should not have to continuously sign back in multiple times throughout the day.
183 votesThe email below was sent to all users on Monday 4 December regarding security and logins.
It's done! MRI SSO (Single Sign On) is in place for all Property Tree users! Thank you for your ongoing support and feedback as we have taken significant steps forward in enhancing your experience and security.
Some key points to note:To never get locked out
- Multiple Factors: Configure multiple factors such as Okta Verify Authenticator and fingerprint so that you always have a backup method. This prevents login issues when mobile carriers experience outages if SMS is your only login method.
To keep your account secure
- Auto Log out: Sessions log out automatically unless a Property Tree tab was interacted with within 1 hour
- Sensitive Operation Challenge: Any page with the ability to change bank accounts require MFA verification
To keep things usable
- MFA Cool Down Activated: After being challenged for MFA you…
Have a message on the sms mobile number
When we send an sms with reply active, it just shows up as a number, nothing about the company that sent it or that it is Reply Only. When you ring the number, it says this number is not available, call again later.............so some Tenants are saying they have tried to call me multiple times.
Need an auto message on all sms' sent out with Company Name and Text Reply only available or similar. The other outgoing SMS had DO NOT REPLY message at the front of it so it must be possible!
If people still try and call the…
2 votesIf you advise your tenants to save the number as a contact under your company name (as this is your company dedicated number) it will then show as this when they receive or send an SMS, this also ensures that they can validate the SMS they receive, as they will know if something is sent from another number as potential spam asking for rent etc.
agency payment account details
Can I have more than one pay Agency account details to choose?
Since I have one biz account for rental management fee and another account for Sales Commission.1 voteYou can only have one bank account for general accounting details (to pay out from Property Tree). You can have multiple customisable "accounts' set up within Property Tree that your fees are charged and collected against, so when this is paid from Property Tree to your general account you can easily see which amounts relate to rentals vs sales.
On the dashboard when you select filter to change the filters. The filter dropdown menu doesn't cancel when you press the x or Apply you need to reload the page to remove it.
Please fix bug!1 voteCannot replicate this issue, please reach out to our support team should this occur in the future.
MRI Message bubble
Remove the MRI Message bubble from the bottom right of screen.
Seriously why do we need this, the bottom right corner of screen now has 3 bubbles on it!!!!! a ? a message bubble for PT and now one for MRI... and they all overlap so it is hard to use any of them.
Give me back my screen realestate, on smaller devices this is intrusive and totally unnecessary!!!!.1 voteThis intercom bubble was incorrectly surfaced and has since been removed.
Stop kicking me out after I have just logged in using Authenticator
I am EXCEEDINGLY FRUSTRATED this afternoon whilst performing Owner Payments, I get asked to use an AUTHENTICATOR Code, on entering the code I get told by this software that my session has expired and I need to log in again and use another authenticator code.
I'm sorry but this RIDICULOUS STATE of AFFAIRS must be rectified. It's about time the software developers found ways to make a busy property manager's life a little easier than constantly getting in the way of workflows by expecting people to repeatedly keep logging in. This is taking security to the level of the ridiculous!!!!!!!1 voteHi Sue, this will need to be looked at by support as issues with expected behaviour cannot be investigated via User Voice. The auto logout is controlled by the time you set (whether 1, 2 or 3 hours). Thanks, Product Team
Income & Expenditure Statements
Why does a cancelled transaction (eg creditor payment) have to show on the Income & Expenditure statements...showing as a credit.
Show the cancellation on the Owner and creditor ledger but why on the I&E?
Yes the total figure is correct but Owners and Accountants get confused by this.1 voteThis request has been referred to support
Ability to create historical statistic reports
For comparisons it would be handy to have the ability to find historical statistic reports
3 votesThere is the option to see historical statistic reports by accounting period (for each month). Once the Trust is select there is the option to switch between date range or accounting period.
1 vote
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We will be closing it, but we will reopen and merge your idea should it gather momentum in the future.
Thanks for supporting User Voice!
Statistics report export to excel from BI flipped?
Currently when exporting the statistics report from Business Insights to Excel, the data is flipped. Ie - data that was in columns in BI shows in rows in Excel.
Is there a way to have the report show in Excel the same as it shows in Business Insights?1 voteThis request has been referred to our support team
Change creditor ID
It would be cool if we could change creditor ID numbers
1 voteThank you for your support. Unfortunately, your Suggestion has failed to progress due to lack of activity.
We will be closing it, but we will reopen and merge your idea should it gather momentum in the future.
Thanks for supporting User Voice!
Include the chat history inside the follow up email from Property Tree Support
Automatically Include the chat history inside the follow up email from Property Tree Support.
Currently we copy and paste the conversation during the chat which automatically includes the oversized avatar. (2000px x 2000px)1 voteThis is controlled within the software the support team use - you can request a copy of the chat transcript from the support agent and it will be sent to you.
regenerate new Key number
Request for new feature: When assigning a new Key number, can there be a feature to re-generate a new Key number?
Reason for suggestion: Sometimes old key numbers aren't ready to have a new key assigned, and if you close the pop-up box, and try again, it will generate the same number. If this happens, we have to manually search for an unused key number on the key board.
Benefits: Saves time and stress! Shows how amazing and intelligent the Property Tree Developers are at responding to requests and helping their users!
1 voteThank you for your support. Unfortunately, your Suggestion has failed to progress due to lack of activity.
We will be closing it, but we will reopen and merge your idea should it gather momentum in the future.
Thanks for supporting User Voice!
Property Tree Reporting
All reports should be downloaded in the same format.
1 voteThank you for your support. Unfortunately, your Suggestion has failed to progress due to lack of activity.
We will be closing it, but we will reopen and merge your idea should it gather momentum in the future.
Thanks for supporting User Voice!
1 vote
Thank you for your support. Unfortunately, your Suggestion has failed to progress due to lack of activity.
We will be closing it, but we will reopen and merge your idea should it gather momentum in the future.
Thanks for supporting User Voice!
Drag Box in work orders
Having a drag box in the work order will allow photo's of jobs to be attached, making it easier for the tradies.
1 voteThank you for your support. Unfortunately, your Suggestion has failed to progress due to lack of activity.
We will be closing it, but we will reopen and merge your idea should it gather momentum in the future.
Thanks for supporting User Voice!
1 vote
Thank you for your support. Unfortunately, your Suggestion has failed to progress due to lack of activity.
We will be closing it, but we will reopen and merge your idea should it gather momentum in the future.
Thanks for supporting User Voice!
Additional Commercial arrears merge fields
We need additional merge fields for Commercial Arrears Auto Messages. Currently they only show the arrears of the last invoice, we need a total arrears merge field to be able to add to the body of the email text. It's confusing when the body of the text only shows the May rent invoice is overdue but the invoice that is attached via the link shows that April/May are both overdue.
1 voteThank you for your support. Unfortunately, your Suggestion has failed to progress due to lack of activity.
We will be closing it, but we will reopen and merge your idea should it gather momentum in the future.
Thanks for supporting User Voice!
Rent Review Date Agency Configuration & Automation
Allow the agency to set the frequency of the next rent review date to allow this to populate automatically based on a new tenancy end date. For example, we set ours to 120 days prior to the tenancy end date. Our team has to manually enter this when setting up a new tenancy, this should be able to be configured based on the agency's preference like inspections.
1 voteThank you for your support. Unfortunately, your Suggestion has failed to progress due to lack of activity.
We will be closing it, but we will reopen and merge your idea should it gather momentum in the future.
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