Issue statements to agency when pay-out to agency has occurred
Clients have statements issued via email when payment made but when paying agency not statement is sent
We are required to locate and print/download/email manually. This should be simple if it can be done for clients it should be also available to the agency
Brian Seth commented
just the issue I was going thru with support!. To have to manually send a statment is "silly". Even better is if it was configurable as to where this statment went to - rather than just the one used for the EOM reports. Our book-keeper needs to know the information, and how nice it would be if property tree sent the detail out to them automatically!. Just like with creditors you can allocate an accounts email that gets a statement, so you should be able to do with the agency.....its the same issue for them after all, they get a deposit in their bank account and want to know the detail of what its for - so they can allocate the payment to the appropriate cost codes.