Settings and activity
8 results found
249 votes
Hi Supporters, thanks so much for all your responses! We are getting close to having this ready for our development team. I'm hoping for a little bit more feedback if you have any on the following -
1. An option when you generate the ledger for "Showing Transactions Only" (so cutting out the other items such as when invoices are entered). However, this would show credits as well. Although credits are not transactions these affect amounts due by the tenant. This would keep all of the current tenancy ledger columns.
2. Also an option to Show Rent Arrears Details (so a running total for arrears and the days in arrears). When this option is selected and generated we would replace other ledger columns to then display the additional rent arrears details. Inserting more columns into the current tenancy ledger has been a challenge with the amount of information currently there.…
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Brian Seth commented
Please make it easy for the tenant to understand - your second "arrears detail" is in the right direction as a ledger confuses the heck out of the tenant - AND make the column headings easy to understand please. ,,,but great idea and would save so much time as long as it is easy to understand when the tenant looks at it!.
My current workaround is to print the "tribunal report" and screen shot the "Rent Summary from Start of Tenancy" - they can often figure where they missed a rent payment from that! -
10 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Brian Seth commented
save time indeed as per Raq Tan comment
Brian Seth supported this idea ·
17 votes
We are currently reviewing the layout of the menu, chat and help icons with our UX designers and development team.
Brian Seth supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Brian Seth commented
yes to both! - regularly have to "ctrl-" to access lower icons - and the chat is in the wrong place
(even on other screens I notice the screen realestate is not well utitlised so you have to constantly scroll - or do the "ctrl-" thing!)
I do have system-display-scale set to 125% - however that is for visual comfort when working at a screen - and needing to be accurate with numbers - all day you dont need to encourage eye strain just because a designer cant make the most of the screen realestate (please)
214 votes
We're currently looking into replacing the links in emails sent from Property Tree with PDF attachments (across the product - statements, invoices, receipts, work orders etc). We'll let you know once this goes into Development.
Brian Seth supported this idea ·
8 votes
Brian Seth supported this idea ·
9 votes
Brian Seth supported this idea ·
11 votes
Brian Seth supported this idea ·
5 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Brian Seth commented
just the issue I was going thru with support!. To have to manually send a statment is "silly". Even better is if it was configurable as to where this statment went to - rather than just the one used for the EOM reports. Our book-keeper needs to know the information, and how nice it would be if property tree sent the detail out to them automatically!. Just like with creditors you can allocate an accounts email that gets a statement, so you should be able to do with the agency.....its the same issue for them after all, they get a deposit in their bank account and want to know the detail of what its for - so they can allocate the payment to the appropriate cost codes.
Brian Seth supported this idea ·
has this "died on the tree" - I hope not and I have just missed an update :-) Just spent ages explaining arrears, made worse that my workaround, the easier to understand "rent summary" applies the payment to the week it was made, so by paid date, Then I have to explain how it is actually the same result as the tenancy receipt which applies the payment to the next week rent is due as per the ledger.