Compliance Register - Non-Compliant Properties & Compliance Dates
Issue 1 - (Compliance – Current) - This does not accurately reflect if a property is compliant or not.
Non-Compliant properties that have current compliance dates (This marks Compliance as Current in PT), however the actual reports are Non-Compliant due to Electrical/Gas/Smoke Alarm issues to be rectified.
• For the property to show as Non-Compliant in PT – I must add in the Notes section: NON-COMPLIANT to help identify the Non-Compliant properties.
• Could a Non-Compliant Tick Box be added to the Compliance Register and the Property Section to assist with clearly identifying the Non-Compliant Properties or Category even when the Compliance Dates are Current?
• Reports could then be generated for all Non-Compliant properties even if the dates are current.
Issue 2 - Entering Dates: Previously you could enter as: 1/3/24 – but for some time now the date must be entered in full as: 01/03/2024 otherwise Invalid Date is shown. If this could be fixed it would save a considerable amount of data entry time.