Assets register on the property
Asset Tab Under Property.
Section like compliance where we can add all the details of the assets in the property such as ovens, air cons, cooktops etc. Be able to list installed date, warranty date, supplier/installer, Make & Model, photo of the serial plate and item. Copy of the purchase invoice.
This way we know exactly when assets were added and when they are under warranty too. This will help for QCAT/bond claims when items such as carpet is damaged as we can keep track of when it was installed.
Would be wonderful if we could also link it to maintenance items. For example, if the oven stops working. We place a work order to the appliance technician we can link it to the oven and the make, model, photos etc are automatically attached to the work order for the tradesman to have all the information before attending.
If work orders linked to assets come up under the assets even after they are completed so that we can can see when it was last repaired. we can keep a track easier without sorting through numerous work orders for the property.