Date Driven Fees
Can you please add DATE Driven Fees to Property Tree, so a specific date/frequency can be selected instead of an Event.
• Mainly for Owner and Property Fees (mostly Flat Fees)
• Examples: Admin/Statement (monthly), Lease Renewal (charging on a specific date when then new lease kicks in, not when the lease date gets updated, which is often weeks/months prior the new lease)
• Difference it will make: more flexibility (less manual bulk charges, not all events are suitable in PT, can create Mid-Month statement without fee, charge monthly fee in current not next month/period)

Helen Rolfe commented
this will allow you to ensure that the fee is only charged once and no double up because of a process being completed
Helen Rolfe commented
can make one date for charging fees especially for when wanting to send daily statements would not have to worry about missing fees or overcharging as would be just charged on a date