Commercial Tenancy Ledgers to show credits
It would be highly beneficial for commercial tenancy ledgers to show a notation whenever credits are added to a tenancy via replacement invoice. At present, the only notation available is the replacement invoice and the reason does not show in the same way that it does on a residential ledger. Whilst the reason is visible within Property Tree on the receipting screen, this is not helpful when providing a ledger to a tenancy or reviewing a ledger in general.
Amy Sader commented
Commercial Leases have various incentives where credits need to be applied through their tenure and we must be able to show this information on the ledger. To provide a credit and no explanation can create many problems as we cannot show the credit was applied for its purpose, i.e. rent free periods.
Pam Hatwieger commented
• Ability to remove any Commercial Tenancy Invoices that are NOT PAID from the ledger. Like you can in REST.
• REST has a tickbox allowing the option to decide if you want to display invoices on the ledger or not.
• Reason: Users don’t read properly and therefore mis-read the information and believe the invoice has been paid, but it has not ben paid.