Story Sheet
Every transaction sends a story sheet to the purchaser and vendor conveyancer. It outlines the particulars of each sale and all contact information of the involved parties.
The Story Sheet details are collected on one A4 page.
Details include
Agency details and contact information
Selling agent's details and contact information
Property Address (Full)
Vendor's details and contact information
Vendors Conveyancers details and contact information
Purchasers details and contact information
Purchaser Broker details and contact information (if required)
Puchaers Conveyancers details and contact information
Purchase amount on the contract
The deposit paid and the date held in the trust account
Settlement Date
Agency Marking fees
Agency Commission Fixed or percentage (total amount)
Fees other
Total fees due to the agency at settlement
settlement funds due to the Vendors conveyancer (Deposit LESS all agency fees unpaid)
All the information collected on each story sheet will take an agency between 5 and 10 minutes to complete, given the need to search through the files or on Property Tree to obtain information and write up the Story Sheet.
Given that Property Treat already has all these details manually entered into the system by the user, it is double handling of the same information that could be produced at a click of a button.
This would be a phenomenal add-on to your current system, given that all agents must send to conveyances before each settlement.
John Young