90 results found
Ability to see Split of Arrears on Dashboard as a % portion of total arrears
Currently the rental & fees arrears on the PT dashboard are shown as a total % of 100%. It would be great if this could be shown as a % of the total arrears percentage.
17 votes -
Managing Bond Arrears - Due dates
I'd like to see the bond arrears page improve. Currently there is a screen that shows how much arrears is outstanding, it doesn't however tell you when the arrears is due. For instance, rent increases (and therefore bond increases) are listed for future renewals = not yet in arrears. Then have to cross-reference and double handle. Needs an additional column or filter to show what's due and when.
6 votes -
Have a wildcard symbol we can use when searching for tenants or properties when receipting if we don't have full details
At times you have only part of a name reference number and you cant find where it belongs. Having a wildcard symbol we can use to help bring up all partial matches to enable us to find what we are looking for would be helpful.
2 votes -
Show when Bond was added or updated
It would be great if the audit report showed when a bond was added or updated. thanks
1 vote -
Sort orders - property and rent amounts
When looking at 'tenancy leases' in the dashboard, the 'sort by property' column sorts according to street number, not street name. This is rather useless.
Similarly, the 'sort by rent' column sorts based on the first digit not the total value of the rent. Again, this is useless.
The addition of an ownership column would also be very useful.
Addressing these items would be a great time saver.2 votes -
Invoice Arrears Days - number to be shown in "Tenancies in Arrears" view
When reviewing arrears from Dashboard and you go to "Tenancies in Arrears" it would make it much easier to manage arrears if we could see number of days in arrears as a column.
4 votes -
Ownership Funds Report - Include Last Statement Date
Could we have the field/column "Last Statement Date" available when searching Ownership Funds. This would be extremely helpful after processing EOM Ownership Statements, as it would allow us to identify those that did not get paid (via Ownership Statement Group/Tag). We cannot easily identify when EOM Ownerships have not been paid for the month.
2 votes -
Export CSV for Reconciled Items, Unreconciled Items & Adjustments
Having the ability to export CSV for 'Reconciled Items', 'Unreconciled Items' & 'Adjustments', from the Bank Reconciliation screen and also from the Trust & Reports screen, would make any troubleshooting for Bank Rec Variances a lot easier.
8 votes -
Find Invoice from Tenancy Profile and Owner Profile
It is currently not possible to see any PAID Tenancy Invoices from the Tenancy Profile > Financials tab.
Any chance you can add a ‘View Invoices’ button to the Tenancy Profile > Financials tab > Outstanding Invoices section, which then takes you to the ‘Find Tenancy Invoice’ screen, with the filter for the individual Tenant already selected?
It would work exactly like the already existing feature for ‘View Fees’, but in this case it’s for Tenancy Invoices.It might also be good to have that feature available for the Creditor Invoices on the Owner Profile.
26 votes -
please can we have a filter option on our creditors list to show a category, for example, plumbers or gardeners
please can we have a filter option on our creditors list to show a category, for example, plumbers or gardeners
1 vote -
Bond held report that can be filtered by portfolio
To be able to produce a bond held report that can be filtered by portfolio
17 votes -
All Close Period Reports ticked by Default
Have all report boxes ticked by default on the Close Period screen.
This should apply to all New and also all Existing Property Tree accounts, regardless of what selection was made in the previous accounting month.
This will not only save time having to manually tick each box for new Users or if someone deselected any by mistake, however, it’s also better for all agencies to have all reports generated and not needing them, instead of the other way around.7 votes -
‘Recurring Invoice Summary’ on Accounting page
Can we please have the link to the ‘Recurring Invoice Summary’ report on the Accounting page > under Invoicing, instead of having it on the Trust & Reports page > under Transactions.
This would be consistent with where all other Invoice related reports are. For example: Create + Find Creditor Invoice, Create & Find Tenancy Invoice
However, to Create + Find Recurring Invoices (Creditor / Tenancy), we currently have to navigate to two different landing pages.
7 votes -
Split past & current tenant arrears on dashboard
For the purpose of seeing both vacated & current tenants arrears at a glance
2 votes -
Invoice Arrears by days column option
Currently you can search for tenancies in arrears and days.
For states outside Victoria who invoice tenants regularly (water etc.), we require a report function to advise arrears by days - that is not via Business Insights.13 votes -
Tenancy Ledger to display total amount paid by the tenant
The Tenancy Ledger should be displaying the ‘total amount paid’ by the tenant (as per the bank statement), and then show the breakdown how it has been allocated (e.g. to rent, outgoings, gardening etc.)
REST ledgers show this, which makes it easier to read the ledger and compare transactions to the bank statement and/or the actual paid amount.
3 votes -
Dashboard – automatically display search results without having to click ‘Search’
When accessing a report page from within a Dashboard, it should automatically show the search result (report/grid) based on the filter selection made on the Dashboard.
However, to get the actual search result (report/grid) on the report page, a user has to click ‘Search’ first.
This is an unnecessary step, as the filter selection has already been made, and by clicking ‘View’ on the Dashboard, the user is confirming what search result they want.2 votes -
Being able to search by 'suburb' in global search bar
Currently when you search in the global search bar, you can only search for the number address. When you type the suburb, properties do not show up.
The functionality for the Global Search bar to pick up all properties by the suburb you are searching for would be amazing.9 votes -
Please return to the original note system where any pending note was able to be visually viewed by all staff members.
3 votes -
Property Manager Display on Search
When searching a property address - it would be great if it displayed the Property Manager rather than having to select the property
4 votes
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