Option to have a textbox for answering a questionnaire in eLearning/Induction/Courses
Option to have free text textbox for Employee/Contractors to answer an induction question as currently we only have an option to select a single/multiple/image options. This is basic requirement for any eLearning/Courses where the question type would be choice based ( single/multiple/image) selection or a free text for users to provide their comments. Kindly review and let me know when you think this can be added. We wanted to use OnLocation system as our core LMS system without having to license any other 3rd party systems.

Thank you Vini for the feedback. If we add a 'free text' option then the ability to 'pass' someone on that specific question would be based on them entering something; in fact anything at all (even n/a). As we could assess a statement entered by the inductee being true or false is there are specific example you could share with me directly of a question.
Vini commented
Hi DWB, is there any updates on this and any plans when it will be implemented? Thanks
Vini commented
Hi, Thanks a lot for reviewing my point so quickly. Really appreciate that. When we talk about eLearning/Induction Management systems not all questionnaire can be to evaluate pass/fail status. It can be more about recording the users understanding, experience or their views point as well. Hence having an Induction Module through WhosOnLoaction should benefit its end users to create a type of questionnaire to work through such criteria and provide the users to give their feedbacks and comments that can be used by the reviewer to work through some correction/changes that are recommended. Exactly like this Suggestion box :) Example of what I was trying to create is in this link about - Employee Induction Questionnaire - https://public-library.safetyculture.io/products/employee-induction-questionnaire
In this example, the questionnaire can be a type of "Survey" may be as currently we only have (Internal, External, Elearning and SCROM as an option).
But also in eLearning type, I still should be able to provide question for user comments that shouldn't be used for evaluation but rather should be just of a typing comments/viewpoints thus allowing the system to still pass/fail the users based on usual evaluated columns. Which mean the comments/viewpoint questions will not be included in the evaluation count.Hope this explains it well.
Thanks & Regards,