The main problem is that there is NO placeholder for DATE e.g. meaning the Data of visit / when the visitor is coming.
Customer would like to have email when pre-registration is done
Email should include, name, organization, email address, phone number and TIME and DATE of the EVENT/VISIT.
Please add a new placeholder to be used:
Thank you.

Thank you Michael, if the client is using the Visitor Request function (https://helpdesk.whosonlocation.com/hc/en-us/articles/27457571957401-Manage-visit-requests) the employee pre-registering the visitor will receive a notification that a visitor wants to visit them and the employee can approve that visit or decline it. The notification includes a link to the login screen of MRI OnLocation where they proceed to approve or decline the request. The client's Visit Requests can also be approved or declined by a centralized team. If the visitor is being pre-registered by a colleague (not via the Visit Request process) the employee hosting the visitor can see a list of all pre-registered visitors regardless of how they were pre-registered inside the OnLocation Mobile app (assuming the employee has that installed on their mobile device. In terms of creating a specific DATE trigger we will have our team look at adding that to the roadmap of work. I will let you know when it is scheduled.
Michael Ljungqvist commented
Superb idea! Directly requested from large end-customer!