Evacuation - Verifying Safe Manually
Need to be able to manually mark off when someone is safe during an evacuation, to compensate for occasions when someone may not have their phone, may not be able to reply to the SMS request to verify they are safe e.g. no credit on phone.
Note: In industrial environments it's common for staff to not be permitted to have their phones with them at their workstations.

Karina commented
Thanks for providing this info and link. Some feedback, I searched through your helpdesk info, searched keywords etc and hunted high and low to find this info and couldn't find it. The swipe left isn't intuitive, when everything else is a radio button. Thanks again for sharing the solution.
Hi Karina, did you know you can simply 'Swipe left on a name, then tap Verify' to verify them safe manually? Check out the tutorial here: https://helpdesk.whosonlocation.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034375273-Run-an-evacuation-event-in-OnEvac
I'll leave this open for a month in case I misinterpreted your request but I believe we support this already.