QR Code or Barcode for frequent visitors
To be able to generate QR code or barcode for frequent visitors that they can just scan instead of signing in/out?

Rodney commented
@DWB - On the iPad kiosk we would like to have the option of express check-in for frequent visitors. e.g., retaining a visitors information for 90 days and when they check-in again within the 90 days it pre-populates their information so as to speed up the process. Is this currently available? If so, how do we properly configure?
Thank you for idea Abbey, I believe you are referring to the construct of a Frequent Visitor (which we now refer to as a 'Saved Visitor') being issued with some type of token or digital badge for their mobile phone (maybe they can add it to their 'wallet' in an iPhone or similar on Android). This token would include a barcode or QR code, unique to the visitor, as part of its design.
Whenever they enter a location where OnLocation is used they can scan their token and it auto completes the info the customer (you) are requiring of them based on their last visit. All they need to do is 'confirm' the details are the same. In summary 'Scan, Read screen, Confirm'.
Let be set this to Votes for now and allow for further comment from the community; but I will present at the next internal UserVoice meeting.
(Edited by admin)