Induction Reports
It would be beneficial to be able to create and print reports, for particular sites or inductions, especially for ones that have not passed inductions.

Carolyn Keith commented
We need this for our own workers - with multiple sites, it can be very time consuming to try and provide information on expiring or expired inductions to a manager. If we could filter/sort them by home location, it would make that reporting so much easier - just like Contractor Workers can be sorted by organisation.
Hello Ange, you can currently run an Induction Report where you choose the course, select the Learner (Any, Contractors, Employees) and select Induction status (Is Currently Inducted, Is Currently Not Inducted, Induciton Failed). This report can be viewed on screen, and exported as a csv file or PDF.
But as you requested; is there a filter for site or what we call 'Location Access'? - yes but only if the Learner filter selected is 'Contractors'.
The Location filter option is missing for other Learners or when 'Any' is selected. I will take your idea to our next internal Feature Request review (where we review formally as a team the UserVoice idea), scheduled for next week, before I come back with an update.
Thank you for your idea.