Changing order of questions on Kiosks
The standardized question at the beginning of a kiosk questionnaire after are you a Visitor, Contractor, or Employee is "What is your Name?". What if you want to ask their Purpose of Visit or a Custom Question before you ask for their name? There is currently no option for this and it would be a great change to the overall system for more kiosk configuration. I propose a section within "Sign In/Out Kiosks - Question Rules" to be able to sort the order of questions to ask on your kiosk. If you agree please vote for this idea.
Aaron Ritter commented
Hi Darren,
We have a customer who has the wrong people coming to their facility thinking they can deliver a package there. The purpose of visit is breaking down if they are at the right place, and if they select the wrong option a trigger is set to popup a message telling them the correct location. It would be nice to be able to put the questions in the order the customer would like. Asking for a person's name, phone number, and organization without the visitor knowing they're in the proper place wastes time. If they have the correct purpose of visit then they can proceed with the rest of the questions. -
Thankyou Aaron, currently the reason for the 'Name' being presented first is to support the returning visitor process. I will present this to the review team and update once we have discussed this. Are you able to share with us why asking for the 'Purpose' first as opposed to presenting that after their name is captured?
Steven Gouveia commented
This is an amazing idea to implement and totally support the change if it could happen. It would save the visitor time when signing in and allow them to be directed to the correct area of the facility at the time of sign in instead of having them go through all the questions. Please implement the change!!!!