24 results found
Improve Inspection File sizes
When taking a large number of photos during ingoing or exit inspections often the report file size will be too large to attach as email. This means the report will often need to be downloaded, downsized and sent via attachment which is time consuming. Is it possible to get a better optimisation of inspection reports so this is not an issue?
10 votes -
Arrowing through inspection photos instead of having to open each photo in a new tab
It would be great if when typing your inspection and looking back through the inspection photos you have taken if you could click on the photo and arrow through them instead of having to open each photo in a new tab to view it full size.
8 votes -
Coloured sections for inspection reports
It would be great if we can highlight the inspection reports to show different colours for different levels of repairs that need to be done. e.g red would be urgent work required, orange needs to be done but can be addressed later, and green would be that nothing needs to be done, or the past repairs have been actioned.
8 votes -
Would be awesome if there was a space for us to pop in the date a heatpump was serviced so we can set up a reminder. There is no place for this currently.
4 votes -
Timestamp for photos taken within inspection reports.
It would be great to be able to see, or at least be able to access time-stamps for photos taken within inspection reports, particularly full inspections (without having to access them through the device's camera roll). This would be useful to have for verification for owners, tenants, and definitely for tribunal hearings.
1 vote -
Add an Action to be selected to Work Orders as Work Order Pending (so we can enter the details of a work order and save it, but not send it to the tradie as we haven't yet spoken with the owner).
1 vote -
Inspection Template
Could there be an extra tab added under the Inspection Template. We'd like to have a more simplified template for owners who don't want all of the features and statuses in their routine reports. Would save time instead of having to delete out of each property report, and we don't lose the current template that is also popular.
1 vote -
Allow easy reorder of photos in property inspections
It would be great if once a property inspection is downloaded if the photos could be easily reordered (eg drap & drop method common in many apps). - Is there a way this could be done? Apologies if already suggested
4 votes -
Add the Option to add Statuses to the Master Inspection Template
Add the Option to add Statuses to the Master Inspection Template
This will help streamline the first (Routine and Full) inspections at a property. Statuses can be added/edited once an inspection is in the property diary, however, this is laborious when creating inspections for the first time (or if the template is reset).8 votes -
Bulk changing of work order status
Work orders that are still saying 'Quote Requested' or 'Work in progress', but are long processed or done through TAPI. In TAPI they are closed off, but in Palace they remain 'open' and it is cluttering up Palace. It would be great to have the option to bulk-change the statuses of these in Palace rather than having to go through each individual work order manually!
2 votes -
All Clear notificaton
It would be great if there was some way to add a little All Clear icon to the properties that are under their smoke alarm service, so this shows in the inspection app. This way if there is an issue with a smoke alarm at a property we can see that it is maintained by All Clear and can notify them.
1 vote -
Send inspections from Palace App
Ability to send inspections directly from the Palace inspections app
6 votes -
Make Photos Bigger and clearer on Inspection Reports
Photos are quite hard for owner to see in their report. Other software programs produce bigger clearer pictures.
6 votes -
specific time for property inspections
It would be great to specify a particular time for a house inspection beside the Next Inspection date on the Property-Inspections page and use this time in the mail merge
eg: This is instead of saying the inspection will be conducted on 26 Jan 2023 between 9am and 2pm
1 vote -
"Email sent" indication on work orders
In Palace server, once an work order email was sent there was a "email sent" on the work order screen. In Liquid the only way to tell is to save the workorder, go back to the property screen (which doesn't always work, sometimes the back button takes you back into the workorder), then go into the diary to see if it has gone. There needs to be some sort of indication on the work order.
5 votes -
Need to be able to export Property Inspection report as an excel spreadsheet or have field added to custom views of Inspection freqeuncy ple
Looking to export Property Inspections due, and need the frequency field included, so that we can streamline the number of inspections per week per Property Manager;
4 votes -
'Lock' on work order
Is there anyway a 'lock' can be set so work orders can't be sent on properties where the LL requests all maintenance to be arranged by themselves
4 votes -
Delete multiple images at once in an inspection.
It would be great if there was an option to batch select and delete multiple images at a time from a property inspection. It's very laborious having to delete them one image at a time. There is already a 'select all' option but no delete option, so I'm unsure why there isn't an option to delete multiple images after selecting a batch.
3 votes -
sending inspections in bulk to owners
Be able to select multiple inspections (say all inspections from a certain day) and send them off in bulk to owners - rather than individually which is VERY time consuming
7 votes -
A global setting to exclude the tenancy details from inspection reports (privacy concerns)
A global setting (or agency setting) to exclude the tenants' names and details from inspection reports to help protect their privacy. I know you can do it when you send individual reports, but it would be handy to do it across an entire portfolio.
2 votes
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