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MRI Palace Ideas Portal has moved! All previous suggestions/feedback relevant to Palace have been exported to our Product Team with the Top ideas from each category brought across for further voting.

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14 results found

  1. it would be very helpful and save time if the first routine inspection pulled through the room configuration from the full inspection, sometimes there are multiple bathrooms or living areas and these are named during the full inspection but then when doing the first routine none of that information comes through, requiring to be set up all over again

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  2. When using Document Flow for Water Invoicing, we must remove the Owners name and address details on the Water Invoice and attach it to the Tenants invoice. Document Flow would be marvellous for Water Invoicing if we had the option to amend the document which is attached and resave to the document flow transaction prior to approving. At present, we have to amend the PDF before sending to Palace and then it will not match.

    Please vote to be able to change the document which is attached and is ultimately sent to the Owner and tenant.

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  3. We send out mid month statements. Can we please get a toggle in the set up so that we dont have to tick the box to send the statements every mid month.
    If you are in a rush & forget to to select send statements, it takes AGES to manually send them all out. Plus it needs to be resent before the banking for the next day happens.

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  4. I would like to see a reminder button like there are for emails when sending a SMS message

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  5. When adding an invoice through work orders you should be able to adjust the expense type not what is just attached to the suppliers details as sometimes they do have different job types you can pick. Expense types do not even show on Work Orders

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  6. Merge Inspections

    To be able to be able to merge inspections together - especially full inspections.
    Sometimes we have two or three people do a full inspection, especially on a larger house. We then have to copy and paste over the words to make one inspection and also transfer photos.

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  7. Add an "Under Warranty" status to work orders

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  8. When a tenant pays rent past their vacate date or a vacate date is bought forward - the money goes to Receipt - Bond (Other) - Overpaid Rent - so then I have to reverse it, hide it and then re receipt it to the tenants Water trust or Deposit in trust.
    There is lots of steps for this - are we able to have the money to go straight to the tenants trust and then it wont accidently be paid out to the owner also.

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    Overpaid rent is a default holding account and activated when the overpaid system option is turned on - the others (Water in Trust etc) are customised ones in your database that can be renamed/archived so unfortunately cannot be linked to a system procedure. The funds in the overpaid rent will never be paid out to the owner.

  9. Would you please consider bringing in the description on the "Bonds Held Report" as well just so that if the payment has been allocated on a different date than the actual payment date, it will help us to calculate the 23 working days time frame more accurately?

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  10. When the inspection report has been uploaded to Palace, could be able to saved as inspection report in property diary, so the auditor will be easier to generate the property diary report basic on inspection report. and easy to find out how many inspection report has been uploaded successfully and sent to the owner before end of the month.
    As inspection report could be deleted by anyone from import list.

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  11. It would be great if we could archive letters in Palace (Document templates) in case needed in future so can reduce the amount of 'current' letters/ document templates in Palace (without having to delete these completely)

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  12. Add Correspondence button under Edit drop down screen by the property list where email, sms & diary are

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  13. The tenant Rent Review and Fixed term ending report shows vacated and archived tenants but doesnt indetify their status on the report or report cant be filtered to current only. These reports are used for other purposes e.g Establisihing incomplete rent reviews or lease renewals and each one listed currently needs checking indivudually to identify the actual current incomplete ones. Very time consuming when there a multiple PM's and a big portfolio.

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  14. If we could set the hazard button on permanently this way when a work order is sent the Property mangers dont have to remeber to turn it on. As we require ths for the healthy and safety compliance

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