37 results found
Offer option to owners to contribute to charity
I would love an option to offer owners to "round up" their management fees or invoices for an amount to go to a pre selected charity. The agency can choose the charity its want to support - input this into Property Tree (like a creditor) and then make a donation at a chosen period - like when doing creditor payments.
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Auto Communications - Ability to have a business role merge field
Currently automated communications can only have a point of contact or agency merge field. We want to be able to have any business role as a merge field, ie Assistant Property Manager.
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Only send one copy of email when copying to
When you copy someone into an email that's being sent to multiple contacts, for example three, the person who is being copied in will receive three copies of the same email instead of just one. Can you please program it to only send one copy.
1 voteThank you for reporting this - it is not working as it should and will be rectified in a future release.
Portal Message Inbox: Could you please change the blue background, it is fairly hard to see the black writing.
Portal Message Inbox: Could you please change the blue background, it is fairly hard to see the black writing.
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Ability to suspend automated owner communication
Is there a way we can stop automated comms going to particular owners that don't want the comms?
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Currently auto communicated inspection notices are generated for each tenant from a property creating a number of letter. Would be great to
Currently, auto-communicated inspection notices are generated for each tenant from a property creating a number of letters. Would like one letter per property created.
1 vote -
Add images to templates
Being able to add images within a template without the workaround to save to word, and search on google or internet explorer before copying to PropertyTree. There has to be a better solution
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Ability to recall mail merge emails
Allow the recall of emails, if not opened.
Links with other idea of seeing a date/time stamp of when they were opened.1 voteUnfortunately, your Suggestion has failed to progress due to lack of activity.
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Inspection Letters should print in date order
Print inspection letters in date order, not street address. Also have the option to only select the primary contact so that multiple copies of the letter don't print (like bulk mail merge for letters)
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When filtering reports or bulk merge, have the option to show those profiles that are "not" tagged for the tag you choose
When filtering reports or bulk merges, have the option for profiles that are not tagged (ie, select the tag associated but have the option to see those not tagged only)
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Sort emails received by date
We need an option to sort emails oldest to newest so older emails can be answered first.
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email from address should be our ***@reply.propertytree.com email address
All emails should go out from our ***@reply.propertytree.com not propertytree@propertytree.com email address.
There are a lot of email services and programs such as older exchange servers and outlook.com that do not respect the "reply-to" field and a lot of clients are complaining that they can't reply to any email as they bounce back stating that you can't email propertytree@propertytree.com.
This is also an issue with any owner or tenant that has joined the portal. All emails come from propertytree@propertytree.com and the reply-to field is also propertytree@propertytree.com so they can never reply to a single email. Their only option is…
2 votesUnfortunately, your Suggestion has failed to progress due to lack of activity.
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Choose contacts for the automated communications
Where we have the option to turn automated arrears notices on or off for a tenant, it would be good to select the contact (or all contacts) that this goes too. With commercial we have lots of stored contacts and don't want them receiving these notices.
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Want to be able to add more information to user signatures
Ability to customise more details around the user signature, have signature details with hyperlinks - not just the banner image, and then the banner
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Send owner bulk emails or letters for routine inspections
We would like to be able to send our owner's notifications that their routine inspections have bene booked on a portfolio basis rather than as a whole office. Can this please be implemented as there is the capacity to do it for the renters but not the rental providers.
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Auto Email to certain suppliers
Have the option to have an auto communication to chosen suppliers. For example, when a new tenancy has started the system could automatically send an email with the new tenants' details to the smoke alarm company. The trigger is a new tenancy.
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Communication - add PM contact/contact number to maintenance templates
I would love to be able to add another PM's number to the system so that individual PM's can be contacted about the work orders they are responsible for - it's my understanding that we can only have one number in the system which seems strange???
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