FileSmart/Workflow Permissions
This is quite vague, may not garner any votes because there's no immediate benefit, but is something that should be looked at.
FileSmart permissions. They're FAR too basic. We wanted to extend to our Accounts Payable staff the ability to search through another user's Workflow queue to look for invoices. In order to do this, I had to give that Accounts Payable staff member ADMIN access. This means they can delete documents, users, passwords etc - all so they can look at someone's queue.
There should also be the ability to filter permissions based on the document type, specifically for strata inspections. In our previous software we had a "Privileged" folder which strata inspections could not access. This is not possible in FileSmart which begs the question - where does everyone file their privileged documentation?
There are more examples if needed.
FS doesn't need anything as complex as Group Policy, but it does need to be much more sophisticated than it is now.
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