Meeting Wizard - formatting
We do not use meeting master because there is not enough options for formatting and branding. We do not want documentation we are sending out to owners to look like every other strata company out there using STRATA master

Anonymous commented
I think this refers to meeting wizard rather than meeting master. Could the templates for meetings be in the template folder and be customised through Word and have facility for importing of jpg graphics for example.
This could also allow for templates for Extraordinary General meetings, AGM, First AGM, GM and CM.
There is more prescribed requirements for meetings these days along with the demands of clients for presentation that increases readability and presents culture and awareness of modern trends.
Oliver Dalziel commented
I agree, it is very frustrating copying and pasting the required formatting from word to make it look halfway decent to find that the motion descriptions do not get formatted and are smaller than all other text on the finished PDF. Font size 11 is not good enough for headers!
STRATA Master commented
Need more variables in font, alignment, symbols & numbering and be able to add text box
Joshua Champion commented
I agree that more formatting options for this part of this program would be ideal. We currently do all our meetings via word before saving as a PDF for distribution. Although this is not ideal. We'd need at least the ability to add a cover sheet to the document and being able to organise the attachments throughout the Agenda in the order we need them, verses having them all clutter at the back of the Agenda.
amanda commented
I would like the ability to edit the style of text to agenda item headings - size, font, underline, highlight etc. Also to be able to add more style to the minutes with boxes etc. Perhaps if it opened it word rather than just as a PDF we could make more formatting changes that way.
anita.reinecke commented
We agree, SM need to ensure that the programme can allow for body corporate management companies to personalise the meeting wizard. We also find that the formatting is off. It would be good to have the ability to have a word template which we can format ourselves ensuring the spacing - tabs etc are spot on and with our design and logo and for SM to allow this to be pulled through into the programme. At this present time, the formatting within the programme is terrible. We spent a cosiderable amount of money on getting someone from Australia to come and do training with us and were excited to fully utilise the programme, however have been disappointed at the formatting within the programme.