File Smart Creditor Invoice screen - more intuitive warning functionality
There is a problem with the display screen with the 3 ticks valid, warnings & invalid. To start if you just put a tick in invalid just to correct the invoices with issues, then if you also put a tick in 'warning' or 'valid' to bring up any other invoices so you can upload all the invoices at once, any changes you made in the invalid screen revert back to how they were before you corrected them.
As we normally upload over 100 invoices at a time we do really like to use the invalid & warnings screen so the invalid and warning invoices don’t get lost amongst the many invoices that are valid.
To get around this problem at the moment we start off by just putting a tick in invalid fixing any invoices in that screen then uploading them to Strata master then doing the same for the warnings then the same for valid. This means we are doing 3 uploads from the filesmart invoices screen to strata master when it would be a lot easier to just do the one.