Multiple Owners for 1 Lot
In SM you can currently only add one owner. We have seen a huge increase with multiple people/companies purchasing 1 property. There is a character limit for the name so cannot enter them all.

Leanne Gray commented
Hi Amy,
When can we expect the Stratamaster Cloud version?
Lauren Horner commented
We have noticed the increase as well but also found that many of them want documents POSTED to different address which the system is also not capable of. ITs also have when people get divorced that we cant send it to 2 different addresses.
Matthew Thompson commented
Agree to simply increasing character limit.
Deanna Wendt commented
More and more properties being purchased by multiple owners with different family names, the StrataMaster contact card only allows for one family name to be a searchable area. It can be time consuming trying to locate the lot if one of the other owners calls up to enquire about their property. The current solution is to load all names into the family name box, but this causes issue with sort orders in reports.
AdminInsights Team (Admin, MRI Software) commented
When printing out any type of correspondence addressed to an owner whether it be levy notice, meeting agenda. Have an option to add multiple owners that own a lot and enable SM to print those owners details on the correspondence.