Print Levy Notices
When charging fees for print levy notices, Multiple Owners Corp option is used and there are too many lots for the particular quarter. SM cannot cope with the number and may stop the process half way through the run. This causes an issue with the fees being charged as SM will only charge the Fees at the completion of the entire levy run. If the run fails half way through, then the charges will not be processed onto the plan. Ability for SM to either process the fees for the plans it has already printed the notices out for, or increase the number of lots it can handle for the print levy run.
AdminInsights Team (Admin, MRI Software) commented
Posting levies takes too long we have to batch it due to the volume of lots. Not only does it take a long time but our printers also do not have the memory capacity to deal with that amount of data.
AdminInsights Team (Admin, MRI Software) commented
Issuing of levies is far too slow. I currently have to process the levies in batches because if the process "falls over" it is too much work to try and work out at which point it went wrong. It also leaves that particular user not being able to use STRATA Master whilst the levies are being issued.