Mail Merge - Additional Contacts
Mail Merge - when doing an email mail merge run, Owner_email merge field only picks up any emails in the "Email address" field on the lot owner card - I believe any email that is added to Additional Contacts section of lot owner card with "C" ticked, should be able to have these email addresses included as well - maybe add another merge field to include the email addresses in Additional Contacts section that have "C" ticked

AdminInsights Team (Admin, MRI Software) commented
When doing an email mail merge run, Owner_email merge field only picks up any emails in the "Email address" field on the lot owner card. Any email that is added to Additional Contacts section of lot owner card with "C" ticked, should be able to have these email addresses included as well - maybe add another merge field to include the email addresses in Additional Contacts section that have "C" ticked