Allow multiple email addresses in Tenant file
It would be great to be able to email Tenant invoices to ALL contacts in the Tenant file when creating an invoice - not just the 1 person marked as the accounts contact.
(In the instance where there are 2 single Tenants sharing the tenancy with separate email addresses.)

Corinna Morrissey commented
We have many tenants request that invoices go to each person on the lease - no excuses of that 1 person receiving saying they never received.
Julie Runcie commented
This would be great, not only for the processing of invoices but for all correspondence to either multiple tenant, or multiple landlords. That way all parties involved are aware of what is taking place.
tina pink commented
as well as Landlords, many a time there is more than one landlord,
also an option for EOFY for accountants email to be added.