I would like to have the ability to turn off and on features in both portals, it is our business and therefore we should be able to decide what features we want to use, it shouldn't be decided for us. Due to legislative timeframes on maintenance in our State we have not turned on the Tenant portal as we can't risk tenants reporting Emergency Maintenance through the portal after hours that we don't see until Monday, as our legislation allows the tenant that if not completed in 24 hours to organise any trade at any cost to complete the repair and the owner is responsible for the invoice.
I believe both tenant and owner portal should have items you can select to open up to the either. i.e if you only want the owner to see statements and invoices then select those. If you only want the tenant to see ledger, rent payment date lease document etc, then select those.. I don't understand why this is not something that as a MRI client that we can choose for what suits our business and interests, as after all we are the paying clients!
I would like to have the ability to turn off and on features in both portals, it is our business and therefore we should be able to decide what features we want to use, it shouldn't be decided for us. Due to legislative timeframes on maintenance in our State we have not turned on the Tenant portal as we can't risk tenants reporting Emergency Maintenance through the portal after hours that we don't see until Monday, as our legislation allows the tenant that if not completed in 24 hours to organise any trade at any cost to complete the repair and the owner is responsible for the invoice.
I believe both tenant and owner portal should have items you can select to open up to the either. i.e if you only want the owner to see statements and invoices then select those. If you only want the tenant to see ledger, rent payment date lease document etc, then select those.. I don't understand why this is not something that as a MRI client that we can choose for what suits our business and interests, as after all we are the paying clients!